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need peoples opinions on this

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what do u think is sexier!


spiked hair? shaved heaD? or comb over


i wana know cuz im tryin to impress a girl. from what i hear, she likes the sexy strong kind of guy.

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I think spiked is "out" right now, it gives me the impression they are spending way too much time in front of the mirror playing w/their spikes. This poll probably depends on the age of the people replying, also. Comb-overs, UGH NO!!! dear god no. Shaved head seems in right now, I'd take that over your other two choices, generally.


Personally I prefer a guy with just a normal, upkept haircut. Nothing fancy, not long, just trimmed! my two cents.

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I like spiked hair, not too spiked,

I do not like a shaved head, it takes away from something.

Comb over, I think of old people with that thought.

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woohoo im shaved and i feel gooood.. (my head, not what ur sick minds are thinkin ) kidding


wana seE? too bad cuz i feel uncomfy doin that stuff on the net

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Personally I think it depends on what the guy looks like to begin with. Some guys are hot with shaved heads, whereas some don't. It's the same with any cut really. And there are a lot more styles than just the three you mentioned.


Go with what makes you feel good though. If shaving your head makes you feel good then stick with it. :) Good luck.

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Yep, I think that a shaved head is the most attractive.....on MOST men, not all. If you are one of those that look good shaved, and add a goatee and nice muscle tone, oohhhh, you are MINE! :D


I don't think anyone looks good with a comb-over, and just for the record, guys, you are NOT fooling anyone. To me, it is the sign of a very insecure man. We can see that your hair is thinning, we don't care that much if it is as long as you get a nice style. But seeing that one long strand of hair flying in the breeze....turn-off big time!


Spikes make me think of an '80s Rod Stewart.....or Platinum Blonde. If you're too young to know who PB is, you get the idea of how dated the spikes are, IMO. ;)



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