OpenBook Posted April 20, 2013 Share Posted April 20, 2013 This has been discussed in various threads recently and I thought it would be interesting to create a topic dedicated to it. When you pray, what do you say to God? (or your Higher Power, or whatever/whomever you call it) Do you express your appreciation to Him for your blessings? and do you believe this is important to let Him know that? Do you supplicate Him with your needs/desires? do you ask for material things? love? wealth? discernment? (I've been praying a LOT for that last one lately!!) Do you pray for others? if so, what do you pray for them? what you believe they need, or what God's will is for them? or how you can help them? Do you pray for the world? if so, what do you pray for it? Do you just ask Him to help get you through a crappy day? Do you rant and rave and scream and curse at Him? (I do all of the above.) A couple other related questions - Do you believe praying should only be done when you've purposely set aside some meditation time and you can concentrate fully on it - or is it just as acceptable to pray while you're stuck in rush-hour traffic or during any day-to-day life maintenance (anytime, anywhere)? (I lean toward the latter.) And do you believe there's a right way and a wrong way to pray? (I don't - as long as you're doing it - communicating with Him - He desires communion with us, and meets us where we are) What is your take on it? 4 Link to post Share on other sites
M30USA Posted April 20, 2013 Share Posted April 20, 2013 I view prayer as communion with God, where I seek to align my will with his. I can't remember the last time I've prayed for anything related to personal gain such as money, success, or healing. I suppose I could, but I just feel like they are lesser, fleshly desires which ultumately serve no eternal good. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
KatZee Posted April 20, 2013 Share Posted April 20, 2013 I never scream, rave, rant or curse at God. Nothing that happens to me is meant to be a "punishment" so to speak. I know I'm capable of my own free will and choices, and sometimes I make the wrong ones. I never pray for material wealth either. I've learned how to be completely happy and satisfied with what I have, and not envious or jealous of what others have. I never pray to "have" things. The last time I prayed, I asked that He help my father with his job search. My dad's been sending out 30 resumes a day after he was laid off and his interviews were going no where. He was really getting down and anxious about the future b/c of the mortgage, and other bills. He was interviewing every week for 2 or so months and I saw how down he was getting. So I asked if God could help because he deserved a job after working so hard to get one. Days later I was informed my dad got not one but two job offers in the same day. The pay is higher than his last job, and is a better position and much closer to home. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
KathyM Posted April 20, 2013 Share Posted April 20, 2013 I'm more of a spontaneous prayer, rather than someone who sets apart a certain time of day to pray. The things I pray for are: 1. Forgiveness. 2. I also give thanks for what God has given me. 3. I pray for others. 4. I pray for God's help with whatever I am struggling with or whatever I am inclined to ask for specific help with (sometimes big things, sometimes small). 5. Sometimes, I just talk to him with whatever is on my mind, without any specific concerns. 6. Sometimes I just feel like expressing my love and praise for God to him. 3 Link to post Share on other sites
TaraMaiden Posted April 20, 2013 Share Posted April 20, 2013 When I was a Catholic, I used to have a short and favourite prayer, that basically summed everything up. "Dear God, please change this world for the better. begin, I pray thee, with me." Now I practise Buddhism, there are certain mantras many Buddhists recite, to many different 'Buddha 'manifestations', all of whom have names, but all of whom, in fact, embody certain virtues, attributes and qualities one should personally strive for. So in a way, what a Buddhist does is to pray for inner strength, inner kindness, inner compassion, inner discernment, inner healing and well-being.... in order to manifest them more readily towards others without judgement or distinction, favouritism or measure. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
aburd123 Posted April 20, 2013 Share Posted April 20, 2013 I speak to God as He is a friend, although a higher power. Respect like you would both respect a friend and a King or a queen. Speak to Him like a friend, like He is your best friend, and already knows what you are going through. Ask him for help..cry out to him to give you what he promised to and not leave you behind. I start my prayers with thanks and then ask for prayer for others before asking for anything for myself..similar to this: "My Heavenly Father, I come to you in prayer with thanksgiving to thank you for my car that got me to work today, my safety, my children, the food you have provided, the friendships you have bestowed upon me..*(whatever I am thankful for that day) then i go into, "Father I lift up the victims of the Boston Marathon. Help them, hold them in your arms, comfort them, bring to them the peace that you are there and that justice will be served. Help the Police, the EMTs in finding who committed this horrible disaster...etc...then move to... "Lord, you know I've been struggling with this lately..I'm really scared..I don't know what to do or what it is You are trying to teach me..please let me know. Please help me to See YOU in this situation and do according to your will. Please let me feel your presence so that I am not so pressured..etc etc. Then end with Lord, I thank you for your careful watch over me and my family and I praise you daily for being here and part of my life. I put my life in your hands and trust in your ability to see us through this...Amen" Something like that....HOpe that helps. AGood luck 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Eve Posted April 20, 2013 Share Posted April 20, 2013 This has been discussed in various threads recently and I thought it would be interesting to create a topic dedicated to it. When you pray, what do you say to God? (or your Higher Power, or whatever/whomever you call it) Do you express your appreciation to Him for your blessings? and do you believe this is important to let Him know that? Do you supplicate Him with your needs/desires? do you ask for material things? love? wealth? discernment? (I've been praying a LOT for that last one lately!!) Do you pray for others? if so, what do you pray for them? what you believe they need, or what God's will is for them? or how you can help them? Do you pray for the world? if so, what do you pray for it? Do you just ask Him to help get you through a crappy day? Do you rant and rave and scream and curse at Him? (I do all of the above.) A couple other related questions - Do you believe praying should only be done when you've purposely set aside some meditation time and you can concentrate fully on it - or is it just as acceptable to pray while you're stuck in rush-hour traffic or during any day-to-day life maintenance (anytime, anywhere)? (I lean toward the latter.) And do you believe there's a right way and a wrong way to pray? (I don't - as long as you're doing it - communicating with Him - He desires communion with us, and meets us where we are) What is your take on it? I pray in Jesus name only. H'mmm.. I pray as comes naturally through out the day but also can embark on periods of intense, specified prayer routines which involve reading the Bible. I pray for everything I need and what I would like as well as detailed prayer for family etc. I share my desire to be with Our Lord and my gratefulness fpr what He Has done. The best ever was when I have experienced a state of ecstatic prayer - it was wonderful. There are times where I pray in tongues and there are times when I am aware of my soul praying without the need for words. I would say that I do sense that my prayers kind of add up to these silent soul prayers and within those times breakthroughs occur such as instant healings/doors open which previously were closed etc. Wrong ways to pray.. that is an interesting question. I watched (very briefly) a film today called Piranah DD. There was a girl about to have sex in the back of a van and she prayed for forgiveness prior to the act. Although it was just a stupid cheaply made film, the scene summd up what I would consider ineffectual prayer; there being no actual attempt at connection as the 'prayer' was about what she already intended on doing. Take care, Eve x 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Nyla Posted April 20, 2013 Share Posted April 20, 2013 This has been discussed in various threads recently and I thought it would be interesting to create a topic dedicated to it. When you pray, what do you say to God? (or your Higher Power, or whatever/whomever you call it) Do you express your appreciation to Him for your blessings? and do you believe this is important to let Him know that? Do you supplicate Him with your needs/desires? do you ask for material things? love? wealth? discernment? (I've been praying a LOT for that last one lately!!) Do you pray for others? if so, what do you pray for them? what you believe they need, or what God's will is for them? or how you can help them? Do you pray for the world? if so, what do you pray for it? Do you just ask Him to help get you through a crappy day? Do you rant and rave and scream and curse at Him? (I do all of the above.) A couple other related questions - Do you believe praying should only be done when you've purposely set aside some meditation time and you can concentrate fully on it - or is it just as acceptable to pray while you're stuck in rush-hour traffic or during any day-to-day life maintenance (anytime, anywhere)? (I lean toward the latter.) And do you believe there's a right way and a wrong way to pray? (I don't - as long as you're doing it - communicating with Him - He desires communion with us, and meets us where we are) What is your take on it? I thank God for every blessing, for my life as I should have been dead by now with all the brushes with death I have had. I thank Him for helping me meet my husband and I tell God that I am weak and need Him to give me strength. I ask Him to heal me of all the damage and anger that abuse left, so that I can be happier and a good wife. I was raised Catholic and I believe that they pray wrong. Reciting some words by rote is not a true prayer. God wants to hear our real words, not whatever religion has taught us. I pray when I'm alone in my apartment and I speak out loud. I feel like God hears me better that way. I used to rant and curse at God before, but I have asked for forgiveness since then. I pray for all my family, my friends and even the victims of tragedies that I see in the news. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
pie2 Posted April 23, 2013 Share Posted April 23, 2013 Do you believe praying should only be done when you've purposely set aside some meditation time and you can concentrate fully on it - or is it just as acceptable to pray while you're stuck in rush-hour traffic or during any day-to-day life maintenance (anytime, anywhere)? (I lean toward the latter.) And do you believe there's a right way and a wrong way to pray? (I don't - as long as you're doing it - communicating with Him - He desires communion with us, and meets us where we are) What is your take on it? I think setting aside time to pray, and praying throughout the day are both good things! Actually, if I notice myself slacking in either, I know that I'm probably not on the right track. About a wrong way to pray? I don't think God wants us to make a show of it, with fancy words, and to demonstrate our "holiness" in public. (Matthew 6) 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Tinie Posted April 23, 2013 Share Posted April 23, 2013 Do you express your appreciation to Him for your blessings? and do you believe this is important to let Him know that? Do you supplicate Him with your needs/desires? do you ask for material things? love? wealth? discernment? (I've been praying a LOT for that last one lately!!) Do you pray for others? if so, what do you pray for them? what you believe they need, or what God's will is for them? or how you can help them? Do you pray for the world? if so, what do you pray for it? Do you just ask Him to help get you through a crappy day? Do you rant and rave and scream and curse at Him? The first thing I say is I thank him for the health and happiness of my loved ones. I thank him for my own health and happiness and for all the opportunities that he has given me. I then ask him for forgiveness for hurting others, or specifically if I got into a fight with someone/mistreated someone. If I used the Lord's name in vain. If I lied, took someone's things without permission, did something behind someone's back. Then I ask. I have only ever asked for continued health and safety of myself and my loved ones. To get good grades in school and I sometimes ask for God to give me courage and strength if I know the next day is going to be difficult. I don't go to church and maybe my communication with God is primitive, but I believe He is always listening and does not reject those who go to Him and accept His presence. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
ErosOcean Posted April 23, 2013 Share Posted April 23, 2013 I pray for superhuman powers that allows me to always look sexy. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
BetheButterfly Posted April 23, 2013 Share Posted April 23, 2013 I have learned over the years "how" to pray. I have learned to pray for forgiveness first. I sin and I don't want to. I want to acknowledge my wrongs and ask Him to help to recognize and overcome those habits that lead to sin. My family and I keep a prayer list for those who have things going on in their lives. That is a daily list until the issues are resolved. I pray for the world in general but I probably pray more for those leaders within my church, community, state first. I guess it is kind of like a widening ring. I have to make a conscious effort to pray for those who I come in contact with who I see doing something to hurt someone else. Right now our local news is filled with arrests of people running meth labs with children living in the homes used to cook that stuff:sick:. I pisses me off and I find it hard to pray for the people involved. But we are commanded to pray for our enemies...foreign and domestic. There are those times that I have a what one might call a more formal prayer time (set aside time) usually when I am studying a Sunday School lesson or what Bible study is for that week. But manly I just talk to God like I would any friend that I share information, concerns, fears, issues with. I pray about everything now. The tiniest of things means I turn to Him for all my needs. I have to admit that has been the hardest for me to understand. I thought why should I pray about what he wants me to do about the things I purchase for daily use when there are so many devastating things going on in the world? My Pastor told me something that stuck with me. He said, "that the way you develop any relationship is by sharing EVERYTHING especially the small stuff." He told me that intimacy is developed through communication about everything and I know this is true. So now everything is what I share with God. After my father died...I cursed God and turned away from Him am ashamed to say:(. In my mind I had made a deal with him that if my dad were healed I would dedicate my life to Him. Well....needless to say...the yelling, screaming and f-you's came fast a furious. One day my sibs and I were talking to my mom and she told us how grateful she was that God had answered our prayers:eek: (WTF!) We looked at her like she had grown a new head that spoke a language we didn't understand. She explained that we had been praying and fasting for dad's healing. He wasn't healed in the way that we WANTED but he was healed. He was no longer in pain, he was whole and forever with us. That slapped me like a ton of bricks. She pointed out that dad would never want to remain on disability, being confined from doing the things he loved. He would never be happy with not being able to play with his grandkids and he would never like having the cloud hanging over his head about if this scan was clean or not. That was the beginning of the turn around. God's love has let me know that he will met with me where I am. My personality is as useful as Peter or Zacchaeus. Both flawed and both willing to do what the job required. I hope I haven't bored you too much. But I love talking about God's love for us and our differing paths to growing that relationship. That is beautiful. Wow, yeah the bigger picture!!! It's interesting how life on earth is like a puzzle with pieces missing, yet when we realize that God has all the pieces, we have Peace in His Love. God sees the whole picture; we only see a fraction of it. Yeah God's love is amazing!!! Link to post Share on other sites
BetheButterfly Posted April 23, 2013 Share Posted April 23, 2013 This has been discussed in various threads recently and I thought it would be interesting to create a topic dedicated to it. Great topic! When you pray, what do you say to God? (or your Higher Power, or whatever/whomever you call it)I call God my Heavenly Father, and I pray in Jesus' name. Do you express your appreciation to Him for your blessings? and do you believe this is important to let Him know that?Yes and yes Do you supplicate Him with your needs/desires?Yes, though sadly I tend to focus on this one the most. I need to grow in focusing more on praising Him and thanking Him and praying for others than for asking so much for me. My excuse is that I need a lot of help! do you ask for material things?I am asking Him for one material thing right now. love?Yes, I find that my love grows weak, so asking God to help me love people is like going to the gas station to fill up my tank lol. wealth?I have prayed to win the lottery before. I know that's silly now; my husband and i don't buy lottery tickets anymore. God used a sermon to convict us that we need to just work hard and live right for His glory, and be content with what we have! discernment? (I've been praying a LOT for that last one lately!!)Yep! Yeah it's really important. Do you pray for others?Yes. if so, what do you pray for them?God's blessings, peace, joy, wisdom, healing for those who are sick. I am praying right now too for the bomber suspect. It makes me sad that many people hate him, even if he is guilty. Hate just continues the cycle of revenge. I pray that God will work in his heart and help him to truly repent. I also pray that the USA will be a country where the Law is just and fair. I pray that the interrogators will not stoop to the level of cruelness of torture, but rather will use their intellect to acquire information without being evil. I thank God that this youth has been read his rights (when I heard he wasn't I prayed that God would help the US government do the fair thing) and I am glad it seems he will get a fair trial. I pray that God works in the hearts of people thinking of killing others, no matter their beliefs, and helps them to understand how important Love is and to love/care for others, instead of hurting them. what you believe they need, or what God's will is for them? or how you can help them?God's love, to love and be loved, love them with God's love, pray for them, and do good to them. Do you pray for the world? if so, what do you pray for it?Yes. Peace (I know that sounds cliche but it's really important to me.) Respect. Tolerance. Kindness. Generosity. Love. Do you just ask Him to help get you through a crappy day?I have yep. Do you rant and rave and scream and curse at Him?I have before, but I am thankful for God's forgiveness. I never ever want to do that again, not because of fear, but because now I have experienced God's amazing Love! (I do all of the above.) A couple other related questions - Do you believe praying should only be done when you've purposely set aside some meditation time and you can concentrate fully on it - No. or is it just as acceptable to pray while you're stuck in rush-hour traffic or during any day-to-day life maintenance (anytime, anywhere)? (I lean toward the latter.)Yep, this is what I believe, though I think it's also important to have some time dedicated to meditating and praying. And do you believe there's a right way and a wrong way to pray? (I don't - as long as you're doing it - communicating with Him - He desires communion with us, and meets us where we are) What is your take on it? I think it is wrong to pray just for people to hear, based on what Jesus said concerning prayer. I agree that God desires communion with us and meets us where we are! 1 Link to post Share on other sites
angel.eyes Posted April 25, 2013 Share Posted April 25, 2013 I agree with not turning it into a public spectacle of piety. Unfortunately, when I was in college, since I always had a roommate, I stopped my routine and moved to praying silently, spontaneously whenever the mood struck me to avoid turning it into a spectacle. I feel I lost some of the closeness and commitment I had when it was a mindful routine in which I stepped away from everything else physically, not just mentally, to do. I'm now trying to get that habit of scheduled, planned prayer time and meditation back. Hard when you are single and at that stage where you don't have much that is routine in your life. There is no right or wrong way to pray, however, I believe there are definite benefits to setting aside time to meditate on his Word and speak in an uninterrupted manner with him. I need to improve significantly at not letting it be a momentary thing or an afterthought, but rather a mindful part of my daily routine…like exercising and going to work. I plan my day around those two, and I'm trying to do the same with study and prayer…not always successfully at the moment. In terms of how I pray: First, I give thanks for the many blessings God gives me. Then, I pray for guidance that I will follow His will for my life . I ask for his patience and strength in helping me do a better job of reflecting His love in the way I live my life. I also pray for others when I know of a specific need they have ,or if I feel called to do so for whatever reason. One thing that I do struggle with, is asking Him to intervene in the problems I face. I know we are instructed to do so, but it seems frivolous and selfish to ask about the seeming minutiae bothering me when he has “real” problems to deal with…like the whole world and there are those in a far worse position than I am or probably ever will be. I’m not very good at asking for help anyway. It’s something that I’m trying to work on in general. So, yes, many ways in which I can improve my communication with God. And some great ideas in other posters' responses that I plan to incorporate moving forward. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
2sunny Posted April 25, 2013 Share Posted April 25, 2013 I pray for guidance - so that I may help others - and to know what others may need from me. But mostly I pray for others. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Sun Devil Posted April 25, 2013 Share Posted April 25, 2013 I prayed for 10 years to experience love and intimacy, but nothing happened. Instead, all of my friends got to experience it and I was forced to watch. I no longer pray anymore since it was pointless. Instead, I renounced any god that is out there and I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as a god or afterlife Link to post Share on other sites
M30USA Posted April 25, 2013 Share Posted April 25, 2013 I prayed for 10 years to experience love and intimacy, but nothing happened. Instead, all of my friends got to experience it and I was forced to watch. I no longer pray anymore since it was pointless. Instead, I renounced any god that is out there and I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as a god or afterlife I'm sorry you didn't get what you wanted. There were lots of people in the Bible--godly and faithful people--who prayed for things yet didn't get them. Paul had a debilitating pain in his side but God wouldn't heal it. Moses led Israel to promised land yet he, himself, was forced by God to remain outside the land and merely look to the horizon until his death. Life is not fair if you see it from our own eyes. It seems like one cruel joke. But the earth is God's and, honestly, he does what he wants. Sometimes we get our way, sometimes we don't. I guess the bigger picture is that we really don't matter so much and we should just desire what God wills, even if it's seemingly for our own loss. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Sun Devil Posted April 25, 2013 Share Posted April 25, 2013 This is more reason for me to never pray to god. If anything, I would rather join Satan than go with someone who claims to love us yet likes to torment us. However I dont see any of them as real. I come to the conclusion that the people who get what they want are amoral oppertunists who are not above anything. I am giving up my morals and instead, relying on what works, no matter bad they seem to other people.. In the end, humans are nothing but selfish animals Link to post Share on other sites
M30USA Posted April 25, 2013 Share Posted April 25, 2013 This is more reason for me to never pray to god. If anything, I would rather join Satan than go with someone who claims to love us yet likes to torment us. However I dont see any of them as real. I come to the conclusion that the people who get what they want are amoral oppertunists who are not above anything. I am giving up my morals and instead, relying on what works, no matter bad they seem to other people.. In the end, humans are nothing but selfish animals Or you could humble yourself before God and accept that his ways are higher than yours and, even in the midst of suffering, it can be for YOUR benefit if you are called according to his purposes and not your own. You are correct. Many Christians succeed in life for no other reason than they are business opportunists. Yet they claim it's "Gods favor". I share your sentiment in this regard. Link to post Share on other sites
Sun Devil Posted April 25, 2013 Share Posted April 25, 2013 If god loves me he would not have teased me with unavailable women. If anything, he is cruel and not worthy of our worship. I have put my faith in science since it has benefited humanity, unlike religion Link to post Share on other sites
Eve Posted April 25, 2013 Share Posted April 25, 2013 Sun Devil - I hope you are getting support with your Aspergers. Take care, Eve x 3 Link to post Share on other sites
Sun Devil Posted April 25, 2013 Share Posted April 25, 2013 I am getting support, but nothing I do works on women. If there is a god, I refuse to follow him Link to post Share on other sites
Feelin Frisky Posted April 25, 2013 Share Posted April 25, 2013 I don't pray. If one thinks that the constants of the universe are suspended to accommodate personal requests and if that were true we wouldn't have a civilization--we'd have a super-natural welfare state. I hope for a smarter family who will finally put religion down and realize that all we have is each other. But it is what it is, and it's not my doing. I have torn off the secondary placenta--the small bubble in which I'm so big I have a personal god. If 6 million of "god's" chosen people couldn't pray there way out of the German ovens, duh, I think there's a message. You're on your own so get off your knees and get on the ball. Heaven would appear to be a gilded cage anyway. You'll get fed like a bird anything you want. Hooey. 100% You wanna be spiritual, do something noble even if there's no reward. Link to post Share on other sites
pureinheart Posted April 25, 2013 Share Posted April 25, 2013 (edited) This has been discussed in various threads recently and I thought it would be interesting to create a topic dedicated to it. When you pray, what do you say to God? (or your Higher Power, or whatever/whomever you call it) Do you express your appreciation to Him for your blessings? and do you believe this is important to let Him know that? Do you supplicate Him with your needs/desires? do you ask for material things? love? wealth? discernment? (I've been praying a LOT for that last one lately!!) Do you pray for others? if so, what do you pray for them? what you believe they need, or what God's will is for them? or how you can help them? Do you pray for the world? if so, what do you pray for it? Do you just ask Him to help get you through a crappy day? Do you rant and rave and scream and curse at Him? (I do all of the above.) A couple other related questions - Do you believe praying should only be done when you've purposely set aside some meditation time and you can concentrate fully on it - or is it just as acceptable to pray while you're stuck in rush-hour traffic or during any day-to-day life maintenance (anytime, anywhere)? (I lean toward the latter.) And do you believe there's a right way and a wrong way to pray? (I don't - as long as you're doing it - communicating with Him - He desires communion with us, and meets us where we are) What is your take on it? Awesome thread BTW:) Like you OB, pray for just about everything. There is no structured time, it just happens ...there are times that the Lord has gotten on my case concerning not praying over a certain matter, so am learning to take heed to His promptings a bit better. Bold- Through the years have learned (and this only applies to me because I mess up all of the time) to choose my battles wisely. There are certain things/people/places I think we all should pray for, although I strongly feel that there are certain battles that I'm not anointed for. I've seen people pray on national and world levels (speaking mostly of spiritual warfare and serious intercession) and have seen them get beat up priddy bad because God did not give them that particular assignment (BTDT). Prayer/intercession is a serious matter, and I guess a good way to describe it would be: your commander would not send an individual fresh out of bootcamp into a situation where a Navy Seal is required. Expect attack. I think some can get either disappointed or thrown off when they pray and attack comes (and it will), especially when praying for Gods will for either themselves or another- what happens usually isn't the expected outcome. Also Gods will may not be very comfortable if there is change that needs to take place in order for Gods will to take place...God may remove people or habits, that is very uncomfortable and at times can feel like one is being cursed more than anything- our ways are not His. During intercession it's important to note that chances are, the intercessor will take on the (hope this is put the right way) the attack and/or hardship that person was about to go through...this I think was illustrated when Jesus was carrying the cross and He could no longer carry it and needed help, another carried it for Him...also thinking that no greater love does a man have for another than to lay down his life for his friend...carrying his friends load through prayer/warfare/intercession- The things that I think are important are: Try to make sure that said prayer is in alignment with Gods will (I thank God for the prayers He DIDN'T answer:D) Stay on target and focused- meaning, try not to pray all over the place. Pray in your mind, unless instructed by God to pray otherwise. If one prays for others a lot, pray for yourself also, asking God to rise up His intercessors. Keep your safe place (home) spiritually clean, free from demonic attack. When feeling stuck, but know prayer is needed, pray in the Spirit. Short prayers are very effective... Edited April 25, 2013 by pureinheart 4 Link to post Share on other sites
pie2 Posted April 27, 2013 Share Posted April 27, 2013 (edited) I prayed for 10 years to experience love and intimacy, but nothing happened. Sun Devil, Unfortunately, there are times that I can relate to losing faith during the disheartening moments that I don't understand God's plan. But answered prayers come after a lot more than just shouting out to God. God can only really hear us when we've accepted Jesus, and repented of our wrongdoings. Without those actions of faith, our prayers will continue to go unanswered. This poem reminds me about the consequences of not having active faith: Butt Prints in the Sand One night I had a wondrous dream, One set of footprints there was seen, The footprints of my precious Lord, But mine were not along the shore. But then some stranger prints appeared, And I asked the Lord, "What have we here?" Those prints are large and round and neat, "But Lord, they are too big for feet." "My child," He said in somber tones, "For miles I carried you alone. I challenged you to walk in faith, But you refused and made me wait." You disobeyed, you would not grow, The walk of faith, you would not know. So I got tired, I got fed up, and there I dropped you on your butt." "Because in life, there comes a time,when one must fight, and one must climb. When one must rise and take a stand, or leave their butt prints in the sand." Edited April 27, 2013 by pie2 4 Link to post Share on other sites
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