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In love with man who internet chats about @%$^

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I'm in love with a man who likes internet chat sex. Something he used to do before he met me only i didn't know about.


We've been dating 5 years and i found more log in names on his computer.

2 of which he created while we were dating.


He says he is doing nothing wrong, he's with me not them and he doesn't meet them (I have my doubts about that sometimes, i have found phone #'s before)


I am wrong to be mad?

Any Advice?

Anyone have experience with this?

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This, to me, is where the line is crossed. It's one thing to look at porn but quite another to be having interactive discussions of (or worse, pictures of) sex with someone other than your partner. That, coupled with such a long-term dating relationship which hasn't progressed spell dump him, IMHO.

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Yes. He's having sex with them. Tell him that you're going to start having random sex with men-but it won't count as cheating because you won't love them like you do him. Or, next time you're having sex make him wear a bag (paper, not plastic!!) with a picture of Brad Pitt's face taped to the front of it over his head.



Just as rude.

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I tried to confront and now he's not talking to me.

He said we'd start over and he'd never do it again, but i've heard that several other times.

He won't discuss it with me further.


oh, well


thanks for the advice

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