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Girlfriend wants to have a baby

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Need some advice on how to deal with a situation. My girlfriend of over 3 years wants to have a baby. I don't feel like I am ready to have a child in my life, how do I tell her that I am not ready it without her getting upset with me?

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You tell her, kindly, "I'm not ready for this."


If she gets angry, then she doesn't respect your concerns, and the two of you are at odds over this situation. Better to have her angry at you now, than later when you HAVE to take care of a kid that you're not ready for.


Just tell her, PERIOD.

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Hello Neo,


Tell her ASAP: I AM NOT READY TO HAVE A BABY! Make that point clear to her. End of discussion.


She's your girlfriend. Not your wife. What makes her want a baby so bad? Remember, if you two break up, the situation will be MUCH MORE complicated when a child is involved.


Maybe she wants a baby and is hoping you will marry her soon.


Personally, I don't think children should come before marriage.


I would also be VERYYYY careful when having sex with her. If she's using some type of birth control, she may skip it, and by 'accident', she'll become pregnant. I've known girls who've done this to get pregnant, even though the boyfriend didn't want to. So I just want to warn you in advance.

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i agree with paulie and sparkle. just tell her you're simply not ready. let her get upset all she wants. if she really loves you and you can see a future with her, she will wait until the you are both ready. it's nothing personal against her, you're just not ready right now and you want to wait until you are.


children are a huge responsibility and you will know when you are ready for that.


and sparkle made a really, really good point: take extra precautions with contraception. i too have known girls to "trap" a guy out of their own selfishness, and it does not turn out to be pretty among the new parents.


you'll be fine. just be honest, and if she can't accept that, it is her problem.

Need some advice on how to deal with a situation. My girlfriend of over 3 years wants to have a baby. I don't feel like I am ready to have a child in my life, how do I tell her that I am not ready it without her getting upset with me?
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