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always a suspect

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My gf suspects that I am cheating on her. Obviously I am not. I don't even talk to other girls or have any friends who are girls. She says there are things that I do that makes her think I am. Like I never have my phone with me and when I do the ringer is off. I don't respond to her texts right away and sometimes miss her calls. That part is true but I'm not glued to my phone like most people are so I don't think anything of it.


Well the other day I stayed at her house and left early the next day because I had a headache and didn't want to be milling around her place while she was still sleeping. I woke her up and told her I was leaving. Later that morning I went and played golf with my friend. When I spoke to her after golf she asked why I left but didn't believe my answer. She accused me of going to see another girl? She says she has been cheated on in the past with a guy she thought she could trust. I understand that but this is getting ridiculous because she accuses me all the time. I showed her my golf receipt after she brought it up and find myself having to prove where I am when I'm not with her. She says I don't have to do that and I agree I shouldn't have to,but I am getting tired of her always accusing me of this. Now I am starting to get suspicious of her. Isn't that how it goes? The people that always worry about the other cheating are doing it because they are cheating themselves. What do you think?

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I use to be this way to my man early in the relationship. Before we got together I had been cheated on very badly and tho I was over the guy who cheated It made me very guarded.

Even tho my man has never cheated I kept my guard up because little somethings he did would make me feel insecure all because I had been cheated on so badly. Now Im not that way Im myself but you should talk to her seriously tell her that your here for her but if she doesn't stop your going to have to let her go. If she is fine with that then you know she is cheating but if she pleads her case and says she will get better then no she isnt cheating she just isnt secure in herself or your relationship. And you cant make her feel secure for herself but can when it comes to the relationship.


Set guidelines that will make you both feel good always come to an agreement about texts and calls everything so that way you both are happy.

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Been there. Constant accusations, being treated as if you are cheating even though you're not then you figure you may as well cheat because at least you'd be getting laid out of it all.


But, in my case, yes the ex who was constantly accusing me ended up cheating on me multiple times and I never did to her. Then after we broke up I ended up dating a girl two months later and word got out. My ex called me and was like "I knew you were cheating on me with this bitch all along. I was sooooo right". Even though she wasn't right I could care less what she thought at that point as she was no longer my problem.

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