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Found a new pic on the Match acct

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I feel like I've been run over by a truck and needing some advice. In the last week, my mom broke her hip and got a replacement, my godmother died, and I found my boyfriend's Match.com account. It came up as though it were open, but I could tell from the e-mails he showed me that it was closed. The biggest problem is that the picture was one I took of him shortly after we got together. He says he put the picture up way back then just to get the ego boost of having someone "like" it when plenty already had on FB. He says that's all, that he wasn't looking for anyone, yet admits that he was not sure if I was his type or if we would be a long term thing. That was over six months ago, we live together now, and he tells me I'm being "delusional" now, as my trust is majorly impacted. To top it, it's like every woman I meet is his "friend," they all seem to know our business, and he punched a hole in the bathroom door, ruining it. I had gotten mad about no support and him not owning how significant this picture thing was to me, so I called him a name and he punched it in. I own my own home and have a history of abuse trauma, I really could have done without that situation. Yesterday I said goodbye to my best professional friends, almost adoptive parent types. Too much loss and uncertainty. My heart hurts and he is really not there for me. I know I should just break it off, but maybe I am just being "delusional"? He says he does love me and wants to make it better, but refuses to discuss what he did or that it's important. Any input is desired. Thanks.

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he punched a hole in the bathroom door, ruining it.

^^^ The above, with a picture on Match.com????



Break-up immediately and change the locks on your house.


Sorry. But that is what I would do.


You do not EVER have to allow this kind of violence in your life. Put yourself in a healthier place - without him.

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Let me break it down for you. There are two possibilities: either he is/will be a cheater, or he's an attention whore. If it's the former dump the buffoon now, if it's the latter ask yourself whether you can accept it or not and then take the appropriate action.

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This time it was the bathroom door. Next time, it might be your face. Get rid of him right now. He's not healthy for you.

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