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Hi everyone i was hoping to get some honest input on a Facebook issue. Now I had a Facebook and got rid of it a long time ago before getting married as it was just not my thing i felt it brings too much drama and it is hard to avoid.


Now that i am married, my husband wants to create a facebook account together and i really do not want to do so. For one i fear that old relationships will find their way and cause issues in my marriage since my husband is really quite a jealous man even though it is just ex's or even girl friends that he did not approve of, he is very jealous type. So i can live without facebook i am okay without it and could care less about it as when i used to have it i was barely on there unlike others that live breath Facebook. but since everyone now a days has facebook it just worries me that it will bring problems to our marriage.


Any advice?Please help should i create the facebook with the hubby? I just really do not want issues in our marriage because of facebook as this has happened to so many people!

Edited by DayJ
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