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Where to find single women?

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I noticed the girls I talk to always seem to be in a relationship so where are these single ladies at?


Then again it probably doesn't matter seeing as how I'm always rejected anyway.


I also noticed more and more girls are wearing rings as time goes on, even girls who are not married yet, I kind of like the ring thing as it allows one to know beforehand that she's not interested in you.

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Most adults are in relationships (~80% in North America). I think if you just engage in activities that you enjoy, and get to know everyone doing the same thing, you'll get to know who's single...

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Most adults are in relationships (~80% in North America). I think if you just engage in activities that you enjoy, and get to know everyone doing the same thing, you'll get to know who's single...


What if the activities you enjoy aren't generally enjoyed by women and not good for meeting new people, like playing video games, modding videogames, non-fiction reading, watching anime, etc?


Also as a man I have to go out and find women not the other way around so I can't just enjoy my hobbies hoping that will somehow magically lead to a woman being interested in me.

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They are not in a certain place.


Look at all the posts here by single women. Tell me any common place based on their posts that they would be found. There isn't anything resembling a "this is where you will find these single women".


The answer is they are everywhere, just like anyone else.

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Maybe I should have asked how do "you" find single women.


And by "you", I mean anyone who's reading this post and their personal experience.

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They are not in a certain place.


Look at all the posts here by single women. Tell me any common place based on their posts that they would be found. There isn't anything resembling a "this is where you will find these single women".


The answer is they are everywhere, just like anyone else.


I know single women are around I do occasionally come across them, though of course nothing ever happens, but I have noticed it seems the vast majority of women I see are in a relationship.

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What if the activities you enjoy aren't generally enjoyed by women and not good for meeting new people, like playing video games, modding videogames, non-fiction reading, watching anime, etc?


I'm sure such a man doesn't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that if his hobbies mean no interaction with women then he's unlikely to meet single women that way.


Perhaps he needs to get out more.

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I think as much as people complain about OLD it wouldn't exist if it were easier to find a way to meet singles another way.


Obviously the meetups and hobbies answer gets posted every ten minutes or so. Unless the groups are designated single groups you still have to figure out who's single in them, and imo joining very specific single groups was disliked well before OLD was disliked, other than the bigger Singles Happy Hour type meetups in larger cities.


The other answer is numbers. You don't know so you just try large numbers of women and see what happens is how that theory goes.


Then if you ask "individually, how did each of you meet your SO's" you're going to get those answers that are posted often, which is mostly through friends or acquaintances made in school, neighborhood, and activities, with some introduced through OLD.


And lastly will be the warnings about how trying to meet women in bars doesn't work.


But I guess it can't hurt to see if something else gets tossed out.


Personally I think bars with live music do attract a lot of single women if you're careful about time and place. At least an opportunity to see they're not with guys. How you go about meeting one of them and getting a number you'll have to refer to one of our resident ace seducers.

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I'm sure such a man doesn't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that if his hobbies mean no interaction with women then he's unlikely to meet single women that way.


Perhaps he needs to get out more.


Necris, you have to get out of the house if you want to meet women.



Of course and that's what I do, I kind of just randomly talk to women who I meet while I'm going out doing whatever it is I need to do. Occasionally my friends and I get out and do stuff together, during these times I also try to talk to women as well. But I don't have any real hobbies I enjoy that would get me closer to women in any way.

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I don't know how much free time you've got on your hands and how well your finances serve you, but when choosing hobbies, try to find those that are both enjoyable and attract a reasonable number of women. I always suggest dance classes, they're a good way to meet single girls, although lately they've been full of couples who want to learn some dance steps before their wedding, or attached girls who couldn't persuade their boyfriends to go with them, so took up dance classes without them.


Some other possible hobbies and venues where you might meet girls:


  • lectures, fora and round tables on various subjects;
  • literature reading events and book signings;
  • cooking classes (yep, I'm serious, it's a neat skill to have!);
  • yoga – attracts mostly women, though there's little opportunity for conversation during actual classes;
  • ad-hoc mountain hiking groups, usually organised on internet forums by anyone with a modicum of initiative;
  • speed dating.

There's plenty more, but this is what I can think of off the top of my head.

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Maybe I should have asked how do "you" find single women.


And by "you", I mean anyone who's reading this post and their personal experience.


It seems like this question is thrown out every week or two, and the same answers are posted and La dee Da around and around we go.


If you are a video game geek you are screwed if you don't start taking up some of the ideas posted.


I'm only going to put one specific idea in here, take it or leave it. One of the best places I ever went for female/male ratio was half-price wine night at this little downtown hangout. Especially in the summer time when the patio was open, there were attractive women of all ages standing around socializing. I met several nice young ladies there. Every Wednesday night from 5PM until closing, they would come and go. It was probably a 3 to 1 ratio F to M at times.

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