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In love with her...

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I have a very deep situation at hand. I have been in a relationship with not only the most beautiful girl in the


world ,but also the greatest person. I lover her to death.


It's been a couple of months since our break up due to a


mistake of mine.


I use to have a really good friend that use to work with


me. Nothing ever happened between me and this girl. I truly


just saw her as a friend and acted like it. I was friends


with this person two years before I met My girlfriend. In


March, she came at me at a party and I allowed something to


start, but right away stopped it and told her I can't do this. I thought of my girl. See, my girlfriend found her


ex, of 8 years, with another woman.


In March me and my girl have only been together for seven months. We had our conflicts as anyone in a relatioship. She


questioned me because of my open personality with others. I'm very open and like to have fun and joke around. I questioned her lack of being naturally sweet to me and always got the same story as an answer. It was because of


her past and how he made her that way. I hated that answer. It made me feel like I wasn't changing her or moving her to the point where she forgot that betrayal.


My dilemma is that I am completely head over heels for


my girl. I am so in love with her and always been. She broke


up with me because my so called friend started catching feelings for me without my knowledge. After that scene at the party we stayed as friends and would hold an e-mail


connection. This friend, two months ago, called my girlfriend and told her what happened in March and sent her


some of the emails we had created throughout the summer.


I took blame for my actions and deeply apologized to her.


My girlfriend was devastated because I did everything for her. She believes that I kept doing stuff with this other


person,but it's not true and there's no way to prove it.


I confronted my x co-worker and asked her why she did it.


She said she did it out of pure jealousy. She planned it


all along. She said the rejection made her crazy. She told


my girl over the phone that I was seeing her for six months.


I never denied my actions in the party to my love and told


her I stopped it. But all she says to me is that I didn't


think of her to not allow anything to have occurred in the


first place. And the e-mail killed her heart. She says that


I knew of her past and still did it. I said I was so sorry.


I am. I haven't left my apartment for two months in fear


of something getting back to her, exemplifying that I don't


really care. She says to leave her alone and I do give her


that respect. I just don't want to lose her. I love her.


My question to anyone out there is:


What can I do to prove to her that I am truly in love with


her?? I want to marry her and if given the chance I know


I will never fail as a Man again. Do I have a chance???


Or should I just try to go on???

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If I were you I would try my BEST to get her back. But the messed up thing is that once a woman looses trust in you, that could be hard to fix. SOme women will not get over it. They might forgive but not forget. SO I say your best bet is to ask her to give you one more chance to prove to her that you deserve her. Everyone deserves another chance, You are a human being and everyone makes mistakes. If she loves you she will forgive you. Take her out to some dinner, and just explain eveyrthing to her and tell her that you deserve one more chance, you have not done anything horrible.....

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Yo Rich, the scary words here are: "Some women will not get


over it." Why? Because she is tough one. You're right


everyone deserves a second chance, but how can I make her


realize that? She said she forgives me, but wants to be


left alone. What does that mean?? Remember, she doesn't


believe me that I didn't do anything besides be open with


conversations in e-mail. It really affected her because


I was like that with her until she got a new job that doesn't have e-mail. I need a lot of advice...

If I were you I would try my BEST to get her back. But the messed up thing is that once a woman looses trust in you, that could be hard to fix. SOme women will not get over it. They might forgive but not forget. SO I say your best bet is to ask her to give you one more chance to prove to her that you deserve her. Everyone deserves another chance, You are a human being and everyone makes mistakes. If she loves you she will forgive you. Take her out to some dinner, and just explain eveyrthing to her and tell her that you deserve one more chance, you have not done anything horrible.....
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Bobby Dygytul

My advice to you is to move on. I know you love her but it WILL go away in time, i primise. Alot of females, (including my ex GF) gets mad way too eazy and will never see you the same way as she did before this bullsh*t happened. You will only hurt yourself and delay your healing process if you keep trying to persue something that is more than likely over for good. Remember, SHE ENDED IT!!!! She is the one that chose to not get romantically involved with you anymore. She has asked you to leave her alone, if you truely love her, than you should respect her wish. If there is anything left for you in her heart, she WILL try and come back to you after you have done let her go. There are lots and lots of beautiful girls out there that you can meet and fall for just as hard as you did with this one. Go out there, find them, enjoy life, and have lots of fun.

Yo Rich, the scary words here are: "Some women will not get over it." Why? Because she is tough one. You're right everyone deserves a second chance, but how can I make her realize that? She said she forgives me, but wants to be left alone. What does that mean?? Remember, she doesn't believe me that I didn't do anything besides be open with conversations in e-mail. It really affected her because I was like that with her until she got a new job that doesn't have e-mail. I need a lot of advice...
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I think she has lost trust for you and it will take a while for her to regain it. Words will not help in this situation: Action is what will prove if you are sincere or not.


It was a pretty rotten thing for your friend to do, but still, you should not have been e-mailing her if you were in an exclusive relationship. You may have been having a light flirtation, but your gf had been traumatized in the past and she has her own wounds and things to overcome.


Over time the girl you love may see that you are devoted to her. But I don't think she will give you a chance in the near future.

My advice to you is to move on. I know you love her but it WILL go away in time, i primise. Alot of females, (including my ex GF) gets mad way too eazy and will never see you the same way as she did before this bullsh*t happened. You will only hurt yourself and delay your healing process if you keep trying to persue something that is more than likely over for good. Remember, SHE ENDED IT!!!! She is the one that chose to not get romantically involved with you anymore. She has asked you to leave her alone, if you truely love her, than you should respect her wish. If there is anything left for you in her heart, she WILL try and come back to you after you have done let her go. There are lots and lots of beautiful girls out there that you can meet and fall for just as hard as you did with this one. Go out there, find them, enjoy life, and have lots of fun.
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