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Guy friend cheats on gf with me/ Complicated situation

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So. . Last June through a mutual friend I met this guy. We instantly had a connection and spent hours talking about our whole lives. He kept mentioning to me and others that he wanted to cuddle with me. He seemed to be having a hard time to fight this urge. It turns out he has a girlfriend and that's when I became aware of her. Even after knowing this, he still was trying to get close but there was something about him that I was strongly attracted too.


After that day, we hung out a few more times with a group of our friends and every time I could sense that something was there, you know. In the fall I moved, and did not hang out much with that group of friends anymore. Until recently, late March. . We meet again and reconnected, realizing that we are kind of "best friend zoned" or something. Then I remembered he was still in a relationship with the same girl making them together for about a year and 3 months. But still it was so obvious between us that we both knew that we wanted to connect a little more in a romantic way.


However when we finally did, it turned into a hookup. He kept telling me that I made him happy and he could not stop smiling. Also he was saying things like he doesn't believe I really like him, or like a girl like me wouldn't be interested in a guy like him. Anyway. . After that we hang out again with our group of friends a couple of times and kind of played the whole thing off. But when it was time to say goodbye, I would receive the best hug from him. Since the day we first met we never exchanged numbers or anything. So there was no talking unless we were in person.


Now, I got his number though through our mutual friend who introduced us. He knows I have it, and he has mine too. Neither of us ever use it though. Our relationship is very complicated and his girlfriend makes it no better. He acts as if he doesn't like her. But i think that he is leading her on. She loves him, and isnt even aware of any of this. I have never even met her or seen her around before. He never talks about her or even personally brought her up to me.


I just really want to talk to him about this situation. How should I go about doing it?

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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He's not a keeper; he's a cheater, a manipulator and a liar. Find a guy who wants you and only you.

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This makes me puke. Like, my heart is pounding right now. It brings back memories to when I was being cheated on. My boyfriend a few years back also had a "friend" like you.


My ex had a couple friends that were girls and I was always so weary about them, especially when they went out for beers, but just as "friends". This is exactly why I don't trust it. It's not just my bf I have to worry about, it's you. You are the girl who lacks judgment and morals, you are the girl who steals my boyfriend.


He doesn't respect you or her. What he is doing is just down right selfish. He needs to be single. You know, when you are single, you can do whatever you want, go on as many dates as you want, and not have to hide it or answer to any body. Why do people do this, it isn't even necessary.


One thing I'll say (because I know you are "in lust" and probably won't even use this advice that the forum gives you): If he is cheating on her, HE WILL cheat on you too. Is that what you want ultimately?

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Rather than talk to him, you need to work on distancing yourself from him. No good can come of this situation.

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You know what you're doing is wrong. You know that he'll do the same to you. So find a single guy and let his girlfriend deal with him.

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