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To people who have been single for 4+ years, how did you break your drought?

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It's really something how the human mind works. I'm 27 and I haven't dated or been with a woman since I was 23. I'm not one to think about this stuff, but after 4 years, it's hard to stop it from getting to you and I honestly am convinced it will never happen. My question is: To people who have been single for 4+ years, how did you break your drought?

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My boyfriend was single for 5 years when he met me. He didn't seem to care about being single and he wasn't trying to sleep around with women... that's one thing I found attractive about him. He was cool like a cucumber.


We started out as friends, and things just naturally progressed as time went by. Neither of us tried particularly hard to get together... just did.



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I started dating a little while back, didn't work out because the girls wanted marriage and kids, I never saw myself as a father and I certainly was not ready for it, I finished my school, got my diploma, got my job, after a while, your body gets used to it, but sometimes it hurts seeing others, but at least I get to do what I want and when I want, no one is stopping me, so I guess "time" is the answer

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I started making more of an effort. Working out, got some new clothes, set aside time to go out to bars/clubs/friend's parties. You have to look good and you have to be social if you want to meet a decent woman these days. Whatever you do DON'T follow the advice of people who tell you to let things happen naturally; if that worked you wouldn't be here wondering about being single for 4 years.

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When I decided to end my drought I lost some weight, updated my wardrobe, and then started socializing in new circles. After I'd gotten my feet wet there I then tried online dating.

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