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second try


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I know now that I want her back. Although there has been no contact for awhile, I need to know how to approach this. Maybe I just need to get dropped or hurt again to be able to get past all of this. There has never been a girl I wasn;t over inside of a few weeks. This is WAY different.


What should I say in the email? I want this to work. I know I still love her. We said before we stopped talking we would give it awhile...and I don't want to push it...but...argh...(three months)


I need advice BADLY. I need to do this. What should and shouldn't I say, where is the line? Or is it too late....


I miss her more than anyone I've ever lost. I know this may not seem like the right thing to do...and maybe I will learn this the hard way...but help me if you can...please, how long can I wait...this is killing me inside...advice please....I want her back


I know most of you have been following this, and would advise me against it, but I'm going crazy, I feel like this may be the only way to move on...



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Tell her what you feel. That's all you can do. Just don't make it long...and don't make her feel guilty. Say things that are complimentary of her and word the entire Email in such a way that after reading it she will feel good about herself and about you. Read it over and over until you have accomplished that goal.


My guess is that she has moved on and you will not get your desired result. But if the Email makes her feel good, at least it could take some of the bitterness away and make your parting more sweet.


She may not even reply. In that case, post the letter on the forum and I will pretend to be her and post an answer back to you.


You are so right that most here would advise you not to write her but you sound intent on doing it and you must go with your gut feeling and do what will make you feel the best.


Hell, who knows, she may run right over and want you back. The great thing about love is you never know for sure what's going to happen.

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