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great relationship but no sex

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This might b long but I need some opinions: I have been dating this guy for over 3 years now and when I started dating him he was amazing in bed, his sex drive was almost exhausting but I loved it, about 1 1/2 yrs into our relationship I noticed sex was only happening once or twice per week and it was more or less a 'we have too' type of sex, now outside the bedroom, he would text me through out my day, come home every night, we did date nights, we went out with friends, we always are doing something, hardly fight, besides sex disappearing life was grand.... then I caught him cheating, he gave me his reasons and I understood them, didn't make it right but I got it, so I gv him another chance... but now we are back to that again, but this time its been going on for a year, its like every month sex gets less and less, now to the point where I have found evidence of him masterbating in the bathroom, the amount of time he spends in the bathroom is un real. Call me crazy but I put GPS on his phone, he has always been where he is suppose too, I check his fb also, I actually found where a girl wanted to talk with him and he told her sorry I have a girlfriend, outside of this again, we still do date nights every week, have a blast hanging out alone and with friends, he texts me through my day telling me how much he loves me, outside of sex, we are great. This is just by far the weirdest relationship I have ever been in, I don't know what to do at this point, I have asked him about masturbating, not accusing him just got on the subject some how and I asked him how many times per week does he do it and he said hardly ever which I know for a fact isn't true, he masturbates at least 2-3 times per week, that I know of. Ive talked with him about y we don't have sex and he says its cause I always say no, sober awake girlfriend has never said no, now there has been a few times gone out drank way to much and come home and I went to sleep, he tells me the next morning he tried having sex with me and I said no, other times he has said he has tried waking me up while im sleeping and ive said no, I feel these are just excuses... I fig if he was cheating I would have already found out.... im happy and I really love this man, its just odd to me and I don't know how to cope with it

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It sounds like he's the type who constantly needs new women to keep him aroused. He cares for you and doesn't want to cheat so I guess that's why he is masturbating to others so much. He doesn't sound like husband material if that's what you're looking for because it's obvious he'll cheat again sooner or later.

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Feelin Frisky

It appears you are being used as a convenience for him. You are an appliance he needs to round out his comfort zone--a home girl. You deserve way better. He seems to be getting whatever he wants and you're still there for his need for company. He may tell you he loves you but he seems to love your subservience and that you let him off the hook. I'm sorry. Maybe some women will have useful comments for you here. I hope. Be well.

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