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cheated girlfriend

stupid jeck

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my girlfriend find out i cheated on her and she is leaving me after one year of pain and distrust of me.


i dont blame her for leaving me but i really love her. i know i make a big mistake and i cant make the affair disappear. i realized its too late for anything but i want her back.




big jeckoff

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Trust is much like virginity. Once it is compromised, it cannot be regained without an act of God.


Women do not easily forget or forgive cheating. It is something that strikes deeply and sharply at the core of their soul and leaves wounds that remain and hurt for years. They try sometimes but usually decide the only way they can totally heal is to remove themselves from the person who cheated on them.


You have learned that actions have consquences. Either your betrayal or you inability to keep it discrete has cost you a wonderful relationship.


My guess is you won't let that happen again.

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Bobby Dygytul

SORRY, you screwed it up, so now you have to pay the price. Most normal relationship that end because of one person not being faithful to the other, are over FOR GOOD!!! Just get over her and take it as a lesson learned in life. I'd suggest not cheating anymore in your future relationships to come!!!!!!


Sorry, i wish i could give you good advice but there is none.


Bobby D

hi, my girlfriend find out i cheated on her and she is leaving me after one year of pain and distrust of me. i dont blame her for leaving me but i really love her. i know i make a big mistake and i cant make the affair disappear. i realized its too late for anything but i want her back. signed big jeckoff
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