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A crazy rollercoaster -- Finally put my foot down -- husband attemted suicide

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I had posted last week about the craziness of what I have been through with my husband. I have been trying to hold firm on my decision. 6-month separation for him to get his head around himself. He has resisted in every way possible. So on Thursday I proposed a drop dead date for a decision to be made. He had indicated that he could not make the changes within himself if I was not present.


So he chose a drop dead date of Jan. 2nd. Thats 9 months. Friday I was home with the two kids and realized that wouldn't work. I was playing "Lets make a deal." When he got home I calmly brought this up. He said that each day things change. I told him I wanted to make it perfectly clear that I am not going to remain married to him. He refuses to do anything other then the way he wants and we have tried this.


We argued about how he was being selfish, and not taking into consideration how I feel. I left to get one kid from school, take one clothes for a sleep over and sat talking to friends for about an hour. He sent two text messages and called. I was ignoring his messages...


He has always had to have control and I realize that I really needed to have control over my life...


So after a cryptic message and phone call my 14 yo and I came home to find him drunk and incoherent. He had taken some pain pills and drank himself silly. I had to call 911 and have him taken to the hospital... I have asked him to move out.


He insists that he did this to simply get "a good night sleep"... he came home yesterday to get some clothes after he was released and was insistent that he wanted to stay in "his" house. I was persistent and left with the kids. He did end up leaving and went camping. He won't tell anyone where he is for some odd reason but is finally responding to our daughters text messages.


I didn't go to the hospital. I felt like even if he didn't take enough pills to kill himself that he was doing it as a last ditch effort to get my attention...


Has anyone ever had this happen? Is it that there is something mentally wrong or that its simply a control tactic for the person?

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