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Breakup AGAIN


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So I haven't been around here in forever. I eventually got over my ex and met what I thought to be an amazing guy. Well-WRONG!!


He has three children (doesn't bother me) but with 3 different moms (bothers me still) and I found out in the beginning of our relationship he was dealing ith addiction issues. I clearly did not learn from my prior experience because I decided to stick around and deal with it, he hid it from me for a while, but I found out, asked him to stop and he didnt.


I believe that has everything to do with where we are NOW..


A few months ago, we got into a huge fight and he was caught lying, he got SO ENRAGED and ended up pushing me into a wall while we were fighting (mind you im only 120 lbs). I took him back, like an idiot.

And then just three days ago, he was caught lying AGAIN and this time we got into an even bigger fight, he kicked me, pushed me down and pushed me into a wall. I started crying and he started laughing and making fun of me and calling me names.


I just want to know why what is it "in me" that I allow men to treat me like that and stay. I just need some support right now, because even though he did that, my heart is still broken...



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You should never allow a man to put his hands on you! EVER! He has crossed a boundary that is unforgivable, and is seemingly escalating his violence. You should:


1. Call the police if he ever assaults you


2. Kick his ass to the curb immediately


3. Gain some self worth and self respect and have zero tolerance for violence


These are non negotiable. Do it. Do it now!

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This is a valid question. You need to see a therapist to find out the answers.


Do NOT talk to this guy again. Call the cops if he comes around, and especially if he becomes enraged again.


I just want to know why what is it "in me" that I allow men to treat me like that and stay. I just need some support right now, because even though he did that, my heart is still broken...

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I just want to know why what is it "in me" that I allow men to treat me like that and stay.
You probably need to spend some time on your own. Like a year without dating (excluding the time you have to take to move on). I've looked at your threads, you've been making topics from August to October. Probably you started dating the new guy around the middle of winter? Or beginning of the spring. Still, there was not enough time to heal up, discover yourself again and etc.

People who jump from a relationship to relationship (no matter dumper or dumpee) won't have much of a chance to get stronger and not to fall into this type of stuff.


Looks like you're a cute dumpee, who forgives a lot.


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Thank you guys for your responses. We starting dating around April/May of last year and I thought I was healed but I go into the same exact pattern and I just feel all broken, all over again. I know I need to leave him alone and thankfully he has not contacted me at all. I really don't want to involve the police because of his children, it's just so hard for me to sit here and know what he did, but still want him...


I know I need to see a therapist, but is there any options for people who are low-income?

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