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Hi All,


2nd relationship here btw...


Im gonna keep this as short as possible...


Ok so I started dating a girl in a foreign country. We had been **** buddies as such for 3 months, open to see other people, but we didnt on our own account, then we decided that we should get a bit more serious 2 weeks before she left for a different continent for a month and a half. However, before we parted ways for this intended month and a half I asked what the story was with us seeing other people as we were only official for 2 weeks beforehand, (crazy i know but it happened)...to which she told me she isnt going over to hook up with guys but if **** happens i will be the first one to know and that will be it. To be honest, I had problems with obtaining a visa for her country and we both admitted down the line that we thought in the back of our minds that the relationship was over when she left for this other continent.


Ok so after the 3rd week I had partied alot and with mates constantly telling me that this girl would be having sex with everything possible over on this other continent and with what the words she left me with i was thinking **** this im not going to spoil my fun and hooked up with 3 other girls in the space of 2 weeks (i was travelling btw). During this time we were still texting every 2nd day. I suppose I hooked up with these girls just as a rebound as I presumed we were over. But for some ****ed up reason, I still couldnt get my girlfriend/ex gf out of my head, ill be honest, even though i didnt want to admit it to myself I really loved this girl (we had never said anything along the lines of loving each other to each other until recently tbh). Anyway, the next week, after drinking alot and taking pills I ended up on the phone to her and next thing I knew I had booked a flight to where she was.


We had a 3 week holiday, the best holiday I have ever been on tbh. We both did. I think we both fell deeply for each other on this holiday. We have since continued our relationship and have since spent nearly every day of the last 9 months living together and travelling and have both pretty much loved every 2nd of it. I have met all her close family and friends and she has just met all mine and even attended my brothers wedding....my family is extremely catholic so its a big deal trust me.


The problem. After the 3 week holiday which was last November, I did explain to her exactly how I felt when she went away for the month and a half, that I thought it was over etc. I did tell her that I kind of played around, however, I only told her about one of these girls, and that I only kissed her, which is true, which she comlpetely understood and didnt really care about however, i did sleep with 2 other girls, I have not told her about these 2 girls. I have never done anything bad to this girl, **** I havent even looked at another girl since. If I had of told her evrything at that time it would all be fine. But now the relationship is getting really serious and i want to be completely truthful with her about everything, and thats the only thing I havent been truthful with her ever. What do I do? any sensible advice is really appreciated. Thank you

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You fooled around with those other girls when you thought the relationship was over. I agree with Brick.

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