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How do I know

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Ok, well heres the thing, I am only 16, but i know I have found that one u know. But the only problem is, is that I think my one, may have 2, but i cant tell. He rushes me off of the phone, he doesnt call when he says he will, he makes fun of me, yesterday he told me that he had his own life to worry about, and the worst part is is that im in Wisonsin and hes in PA, and theres more, he leaves me early, saying hes tired an dhe has to get up early, he leaves his cellphone in the car or at home, he gets mad when i ask him about it, and now he accuses me of being a lier. Please help me before i go insane....ive only been in wisconsin a few days and am leaveing tonight, and i have that weird gut feeling that sumthing is up, but no one will tell me

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Trust me he is far from being the one. WHere did you meet this guy? Off the internet? Stop calling him and stop taking his calls. You are wasting your time.



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Your too young for him to be "The One" If it were me I would continue to date him and see other people as well. Your too young to tie yourself to one person. Enjoy yourself, life is way too short!


And personally I would never want to be with someone who made fun of me, it lowers your ego and self esteem, not to mention being rude and insenstive.

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mighty bop is right....this is not the one. I know you will HATE hearing this, but you are way too young to be torturing yourself like this over some guy. You will probably look back on this some day and wonder how you ever thought this guy was the one. Men are a dime a dozen, but you're only young once. Easier said than done, but try to enjoy your youth and let some other girl worry about this loser.

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