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having a bad day

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i am so hurt by my boyfriends decision to leave me for anohter person. i am not even going to bother hoping he will come back or contacting him at all because there is no point. i had no idea this was coming either.


i thought things were going great between us until this happened. all we ever had were great times, and he thought the world of me. his opinion of me was so high and he was always so excited to see me and was so affectionate. he was always like this with me.


my heart has been crushed into a million tiny pieces. he made me so happy, then he leaves me. i feel like an idiot for thinking evertyhnig was great. i feel so hurt that he could give what made me so happy to another person. i miss him so much, i think about ihm all the time, and every time i see a couple in the street, i feel so upset because i had that and now it's just gone all of a sudden. i see reminders of him everywhere, adn it's hard not to think of him with this other person acting with her like he did with me.


i feel so miserable. he was my best friend and i trusted him like i've never trusted anybody in my life (i have always been wary from being hurt before, and he broke down my barriers by telling me it's ok to trust him). we had the most unique relationship, such a connection. everyone though we were great together, including ourselves.. and then this happens. i can't believe it.


why do people do this when they have such a great relationship and think the world of someone? how can someone say, "it's ok, i won't hurt you like your ex did", then do what they say they wouldn't. god i am unhappy. i did not expect this at all or see it coming.

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Hey there! Enough of that self-inflicted whipping you're giving yourself!! :) It's painful just too read your post.


There's nothing wrong with you.He left,but his reasons for leaving probably wasn't because "Kate was a loser".That's ridiculous.He could have left for any number of reasons,none of which are your fault. You were close,that means you're probably a nice,beautiful young woman for him to have felt that way about you.And you know what? You're still probably like that,you just don't see it that way. Break ups cause people to doubt themselves,and hate themselves,regardless of who they are. You're simply being unfair to yourself by blaming this on you,Kate.


You could be a perfect woman and still get dumped.You could be Julia Roberts and still get dumped for someone else.(She's been dumped tons of times,ya know!) You're not some failure or loser just cause it happen to you this time around.


You're ex isn't half as perfect as you think him to be either.Admit it,he's got some flaws too. If you think hard enough,you'll remember some of the really immature or selfish things he's done in the past. You should remember some of those things when you feel like you miss him.


And it's not like you'll never find another man someday either.I have a feeling that you will,and that a lot of guys would give their right pinky finger to have you in their life. You seem like the type.Losing someone you had so much of a connection can be pretty tough,but the truth is that there are plenty of fish in the sea. You will find someone else,someone you can connect with in another unique special way.You've done it once,you can do it again.


It's ok to feel hurt,but don't make your hurt personal. You can always write off this whole experience as good lyrics for a country and western song.Half those songs are about stuff like this,and if you can get some talented singers you've got yourself a second source of income!! (If you make it big,please invite me to Nashville.I've never been there.).


Anyways,I'm hoping I just cheered you up a bit.Talk with some of your friends,cry on a few shoulders.Then after what,wipe the tears of you eyes,raise your chin up high and don't look back. Don't worry too much about your relationship status,life is a lot more than who's going out with you.

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...the one that says "advice needed for friend". you be your own best friend now.

i am so hurt by my boyfriends decision to leave me for anohter person. i am not even going to bother hoping he will come back or contacting him at all because there is no point. i had no idea this was coming either. i thought things were going great between us until this happened. all we ever had were great times, and he thought the world of me. his opinion of me was so high and he was always so excited to see me and was so affectionate. he was always like this with me. my heart has been crushed into a million tiny pieces. he made me so happy, then he leaves me. i feel like an idiot for thinking evertyhnig was great. i feel so hurt that he could give what made me so happy to another person. i miss him so much, i think about ihm all the time, and every time i see a couple in the street, i feel so upset because i had that and now it's just gone all of a sudden. i see reminders of him everywhere, adn it's hard not to think of him with this other person acting with her like he did with me. i feel so miserable. he was my best friend and i trusted him like i've never trusted anybody in my life (i have always been wary from being hurt before, and he broke down my barriers by telling me it's ok to trust him). we had the most unique relationship, such a connection. everyone though we were great together, including ourselves.. and then this happens. i can't believe it. why do people do this when they have such a great relationship and think the world of someone? how can someone say, "it's ok, i won't hurt you like your ex did", then do what they say they wouldn't. god i am unhappy. i did not expect this at all or see it coming.
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As much as I'd like to take credit,I can't.I think I've read a lot of that stuff from books at the library and Playboy magazine when I was ,err,scanning the articles for research purposes.Some of it came from the wisdom of Grandma Rogue. Some of it came from sneeking a peek at Cosmopolitan magazine in the check out line at the grocers.


I'm really not terribly insightful.I just do a lot of reading in the bathroom.


In anycase,it's true wherever the source,and it's meant to help and encourage which I hope it does.

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