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I cheated and my girlfriend broke my laptop

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I understand it was wrong what I did but that was my precious laptop she broke. Damn it. Was that even deserved? Should I at least make her pay for breaking it? It was a new and good Toshiba laptop.


I swear I've never seen her this upset before. It's one thing to send me to hell (I deserve it) and go NC on me but to go all the way to breaking my nice laptop that cost me money? Wasn't this extreme?



So do I make her pay for my damaging it?

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How serious was the damage?

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this is funny. she should have hit you on the head with it.
If so, I would be clearly within my rights to have her reported for assault charges. No one has the rights to lay a hand on me. Since she didn't hit me, I haven't reported het but think I should. That laptop was worth a lot of money, hard work on my part.


So basically if a woman is hurt and can't control her emotions, she can break your stuff and/or hit you all she wants because of hurting her feelings?

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How serious was the damage?

Serious enough that I have to buy another one. The memory is ruined and the screen isn't turning on.:( Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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And by damage, I guess I mean both the cheating AND the laptop!


How long were you together and what did you do to cheat?


And what did she do to the laptop?

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Well at this point you can't have both your GF and your laptop. Is the relationship over? You can certainly take her to small claims court if you want it paid for.

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How long were you together and what did you do to cheat?
We've been together for about 16 months in the relationship.


I cheated with a friend of her after we had a stupid argument. I left when I was still upset, got drunk and it happened. Feel bad but I don't think she had the rights to destroyed my belonging.


And what did she do to the laptop?
She threw so hard against on the wall and stomp on it many times. :(
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cheaters are an entitled breed. maybe you shouldn't have cheated.
It's not about entitlement but about reality.


Let's change the roles. If she was the one cheating, would it had been ok for me to scream like a lunatic and break her belonging? I doubt it. More than likely, I would have probably been charged. Isn't that right?


If so then why is it ok for her to do that? I'm all for equal rights.

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You so deserve it.


Sorry dude, but you are SO pissweak for cheating, when you should have BROKEN UP WITH HER once you realised you wanted to cheat.


Next time, when you feel like cheating, break UP with the girl first!

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now she will may be distrusting of all males and you can thank yourself for that. she should have whipped your sorry ass.
More pathetic feminists thinking they can assault us and get away with it.
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You so deserve it.


Sorry dude, but you are SO pissweak for cheating, when you should have BROKEN UP WITH HER once you realised you wanted to cheat.


Next time, when you feel like cheating, break UP with the girl first!

To be honest I didn't want it to be over. I realized after cheating, it was wrong and horrible what I did. That's why I actually confessed to her and that's how she reacted.


It's one thing to be upset but it's another to destroy someone's personal belonging. You can be charged for that.

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Well, legally she's in the wrong.


Buuuut...purely ethically, cheating on your gf of 16 months with her friend...ouch.


I know I know, it's never right to damage someone's property, violence is wrong, blah blah blah.


Pursue if you want. I personally think what you did was way worse but something tells me you won't see it that way.


Go after her for it. It'll help her get over you, haha.

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im a male and have been cheated on. its like a punch in the gut. was considering marrying her. she admitted it over text and of course ended. cried for days. a grown male me cried for days. you read that right. we were together over two years. she tried to excuse it too but I wasn't having any of it.
That is a normal reaction. There is a different between expressing your emotions by crying, being upset, going NC with him/her and breaking up versus breaking things like an uncontrollable child or doing things that can get you charged.
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The monetary damages of the laptop being broken is a tax. An ahole tax.


Be prepared for getting dumped soon.


The building blocks of a relaationship start with trust and you basically just destroyed it by screwing someone else.

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That is a normal reaction. There is a different between expressing your emotions by crying, being upset, going NC with him/her and breaking up versus breaking things like an uncontrollable child or doing things that can get you charged.


Uncontrollable...like having an emotional, irrational reaction to a fight and going and cheating on someone?

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Uncontrollable...like having an emotional, irrational reaction to a fight and going and cheating on someone?
I get it and definitely felt guilty afterwards else I wouldn't have confess. The only difference you fail to understand is that cheating doesn't get you charges but destroying personal belongings does (aka as property damage).


Needless to say if there was a way I could take it back I would. This is the first time I've ever cheated.

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you didn't want it to be over but you still cheated. are you implying your mistake was confessing? you just don't get it.
I'm not even sure if I did the right thing by confessing. This was a ONS that was never to be repeated again and the friend wasn't ever going to tell. I was already feeling at the lowest and really felt like throwing up knowing what I did to her.
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I get it and definitely felt guilty afterwards else I wouldn't have confess. The only difference you fail to understand is that cheating doesn't get you charges but destroying personal belongings does (aka as property damage).


Needless to say if there was a way I could take it back I would. This is the first time I've ever cheated.


How do I fail to understand that? I said above that legally you have recourse and she doesn't.


I don't think anyone would be confused about this...

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OP, IMO you learned a life lesson and the cost of the replacement laptop is the tuition. I hope that this relationship has terminated and you both can move on and have other relationships, taking the lessons learned with you. Presuming you're young, there are a lot more to learn. Good luck.

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its a crying shame that its impractical to even prosecute cheating. you can't take back cheating. what you can do is accept you really ****ed up and make this the first and last time you cheat.
I learned already and know she won't ever want me back. She has deleted me from her contacts (even on facebook) and last time I checked her profile, it was on in private.
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If so, I would be clearly within my rights to have her reported for assault charges. No one has the rights to lay a hand on me. Since she didn't hit me, I haven't reported het but think I should. That laptop was worth a lot of money, hard work on my part.


So basically if a woman is hurt and can't control her emotions, she can break your stuff and/or hit you all she wants because of hurting her feelings?



ha. while you can't control your penis.


you broke her heart, she broke your...well, your laptop.


I would just move on. Be lucky she didn't break your jaw, because I would have.

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Look, cheating really is EVIL.


Man, did you really cheat with her friend?


You may KNOW it is wrong, but the fact is: you have caused WAY... WAY more damage to HER, than she has done to your via the damage of your property.


SHE is WAY worse off here. She is feeling WAY more pain than you could ever imagine.


Breaking your laptop is actually a WAY better outcome than being CHEATED ON.


I would rather my laptop break any day, than have my boyfriend cheat on me... A man I love and trust.


I would have reacted much the same. I would have not broken your laptop to be perfectly honest, but man, I would have been beyond upset.


Getting cheated on truly hurts people MORE than you could imagine. It is one of the WORST feelings, besides someone close to you dying.

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I learned already and know she won't ever want me back. She has deleted me from her contacts (even on facebook) and last time I checked her profile, it was on in private.




Good on her - this shows she is not a pushover and will only settle for a man who truly loves and respects her.


As for you - look, it was your FIRST time cheating. You sound like you know it was very wrong.


You are not necessarily a terrible person, since it was a one time thing and you sound like you feel bad about it.


PLEASE make sure though, that you take some time to have a think about what you have done!


Please take the time to have a think. Think about how your actions have totally broken this girls heart.


Think about how you DO NOT enjoy inflicting terrible pain on girls you are intimate with.


...You don't LIKE to make girls feel utterly terrible and heartbroken, DO YOU? I didn't think so.


Please BE SINGLE until you are mature enough to pick a women who you deeply feel in love with and do not feel capable of cheating on.

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So let's lay this in the clear: you got upset, cheated on your girlfriend and claim to regret it, but you are more concerned with personal property damage rather than personal relationship damage. This either means you're trolling or you're an imbecile. Yes, both are negative.

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If so, I would be clearly within my rights to have her reported for assault charges. No one has the rights to lay a hand on me. Since she didn't hit me, I haven't reported het but think I should. That laptop was worth a lot of money, hard work on my part.


So basically if a woman is hurt and can't control her emotions, she can break your stuff and/or hit you all she wants because of hurting her feelings?


If a man was allowed to do this then is a woman. The answer in both cases is No. He/ She cannot break your stuff or hit you because of hurting his/ her feelings.

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