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I cheated and my girlfriend broke my laptop

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serial muse
Whats wrong with you people? Now we just get to go breaking peoples stuff because we got hurt now? Are we all children?



Its never play to break some one else's things. Then you people justify willful destruction of property..... I can see the median mental maturity level is quite low today.


As I said, she shouldn't have done it. And she could be sued for that.


I'm just pointing out that perhaps what the OP really wants - to blame-shift so that he's the bigger victim and he doesn't have to feel bad anymore - isn't going to work out for him.


Now, if all the OP wants is to get his laptop replaced, he could try to make that happen. The law is the law. But I have my doubts about whether that's the real goal here.

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Wow. Seriously I get cheating is probably the worst thing you can do to someone but it doesn't make it ok for the 'cheatee' to break the cheater's property - including his face.


The broken heart will heal. The laptop needs to be replaced and 'actually' costs money.

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I don't think anyone on here said it's okay to break the laptop. Everyone said it was wrong, but if you play with fire you're bound to get burned.


Also, I found out an ex of mine was cheating. I broke up with her when I found out, and she smashed a bunch of my stuff, because how dare I break off with her?


The best revenge I got on her was moving on. She still contacts me to this day saying how she wants me back, she's changed and all that. This was almost two years ago and I'm all she talks about still.


The second best revenge I got was when I slept with one of her friends a couple weeks after the break up, who wasn't even remotely attractive but I was super pissed at the time. I don't think my ex knows about it though.

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There is no point in revenge. Really.


Revenge dirties the mind. It makes an innocent party, no longer innocent.


What justice is a justice done in the name of the selfsame evil...as one has done to them?


I agree with many. Even the above poster. Move-on. Learn. Never repeat.

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Whats wrong with you people? Now we just get to go breaking peoples stuff because we got hurt now? Are we all children?



Its never play to break some one else's things. Then you people justify willful destruction of property..... I can see the median mental maturity level is quite low today.


Seems so, huh? It's probably the lack of reading comprehension and gross assumptions about what people actually said that's bringing it down. :o

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I don't think I need to say anything about your cheating. You already know. You've been told plenty. Not gonna beat a dead horse...


Is it immature on her part to throw things and destroy things? Yes. Is it worth suing her over? No... Like someone else said. The loss of the relationship + the cost of the computer = the tuition for a lesson learned.


I've been in her shoes. My ex from several years ago cheated. I found out, got mad, changed his MySpace name (yes this was back in the myspace days before facebook) to "A**hole" and wrote in the about me "I'm a cheating a**hole" and other such kinds of things, then changed his password and logged out. He was screwed. Wouldn't be able to change it. I then grabbed all the belongings of his that I had at my house, hopped in my car and drove to his house. I pulled up and proceeded to toss all his belongings out onto the lawn. I didn't break anything, but I was quite obvious in my unceremonious dumping of his crap onto the ground that I had no f*cks to give. He stormed out, saw his stuff on the ground, I started shouting, he started shouting (I can't even remember what was said, it's a blur), and then he grabbed me by the shoulders, slammed me against my car and hit me across the face.


He immediately realized what a huge mistake that was. I got in my car and drove away. I never saw him again. We never spoke again. When I got home I changed his password back.... I felt incredibly immature about messing with his account and throwing his stuff. I felt really really horrible about it. Even though he cheated. Even though he hit me. I felt awful.... I learned a lesson from that. No amount of revenge would make me feel good. Perhaps your ex will have learned a lesson. Maybe not. Who knows...


Of course, my ex is now engaged to that girl he cheated on me with, so he doesn't feel like he lost anyway, he won in all of this, there was no lesson learned on his part. I feel like you, on the other hand, will take away some really important knowledge from this experience.

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In a year, you'll be laughing about this.*


She won't. Perspective.


*If you aren't already.

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You did. She broke your "precious" laptop? You broke her precious heart.


I just see this image of Gollum bent over with shards of laptop in his hands saying, "She broke the precious! She must pay! We hates her!"

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I think the OP may have jumped ship.....

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well, in all honesty, most of the posters told it like it was... no sugarcoating an' all :laugh:


if he ever posts around here again, me thinks he may change his identity.

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