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15 years is now bye bye


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Well the o/m called me tonight in the hopes he could come over(my hubby works night shift) i just told him NO....He just called me on the cellphone and i asked if he got my e-mail.

I flat out asked him why he didn't make a move when me and my hubby were split...i did not get a reply, so when he called i asked him again.. no answer as usual.... he is not a man of many words...just action as you can imagine....


It finally opened up my eyes to what an idiot i have been, i was ready to throw a marriage out the window for this guy and he doesn't give a **** :confused:


All the people that replied to my plea for help to see it from someone else's point of view were right..we may have alot of memories and years under our belt but nothing else. ;) Who knows what he would have been like to live with, he may have cheated on me with someone else too. :o


It will be hard as it is almost like breaking up a marriage but i know now that i have to get over this addiction to him and move on with my life :eek:


Thanks for all your honest replys and help

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Good Decision!! I wish you the very best of luck!! This is going to be the hardest thing you've ever done in your life.....breaking away from love addiction is very, very hard.....alot of us here have compared it to a drug addiction. You need some sort of support, go to counseling and go to the book store and get as many books as you can, this can all be done discreetly so your husband won't be hurt.


Set a goal each day to get through that day without contacting this man. Before you know it, it will be a week then a month and so on....


However, this can ONLY be accomplished if you don't talk to him on the phone, via e-mail or anything. Don't y'all work together? You may need to seek other employment or keep him away from you like he's a plague (he really has been to your life).....he may try to promise you the world to get you to stay but really nothing has changed or he would be your husband by now. He wants you as a mistress which is just a sweet way of saying a woman is available to give the man sex but not important enough to be his wife.....let that make you mad at him, disappointed and cause you to lose attraction for him.


Your husband loves and cares enough for you to want you to be his wife and to live with him......honor him and spend the next years of your marriage making up to him what you have done and enjoying something you know that's real!! You've wasted 15 yrs on the MM, give your hubby 15 more wonderful years that won't be wasted!!


Take care and again, good luck!!

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When my wife's friend was still married, she was having an affair with a married man.


They always planned to one day divorce there spouses and get together.


Well my wife's friend got her divorce but her married lover got cold feet.


Now 2 years later the guy is still married and still having sex with my wife's friend.


Only my wife's friend sees other guys as well.


Moral: most cheaters are liars that lie to EVERYONE.

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