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Is looking at another girl wrong?


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The other day, after driving my girlfriend Carol home, I saw this girl named Crystal, who I know from school, standing in the cold rain because she was locked out of her house. She was cold wet and upset. I picked her up and drove her to my house so she could warm up. When my mother saw her, she told Crystal she could take a warm shower and gave her a bathrobe while she threw her cloths in the wash and dryer. Crystal is very shy and felt self conscious, so my mother suggested she rest in the den and told me to leave her alone. Well later she told me to knock on the door and let her know her cloths were dry. Instead of knocking, I slowly opened the door and saw Crystal asleep. The robe was hanging somewhat open allowing me to see more of her then I’m sure she would have wanted. She looked so sexy I couldn’t help it. I very carefully pulled the robe back further to see all of her breasts and genital area as well, while being careful not to awake her. After viewing her beauty, I left the room and knocked on the door as if I never was in the room. I told a friend of mine about what I had done, and he said if I was so taken with the view of another girl, I didn’t really love Carol, my girlfriend. I feel I love Carol, but I can’t get the vision of Crystal out of my head. Is my friend right?

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it is not wrong to look at another girl, but the way you went about it is wrong. what you did was an invasion of her privacy. you knew she was shy and self conscious, she was in the room with the door shut for a reason, and you opened her robe. i'm sorry, but if a guy did that to me or one of my friends i would be mortified. that is totally disrespectful. just imagine a guy did that to your sister or your girlfriend......


this girl must have been on valium to not wake up.


of course, you're naturally curious about women's bodies, but the way you did it....i hope you never do that again.


ok, i'm getting off track here. it is only natural to look at other girls. it doesn't mean you don't love somebody enough. the happiest of men in relationships can still enjoy looking at women in the street, reading/watching pornography etc, and still love the girl they're with very much.


you're young, so i doubt you've seen a lot of naked females in the flesh, so of course this image of her will be stuck in your head.


you have to decide if you're happy to be with the one person for now, or if you'd be happier seeing other people. only you can decide what you want.


AND DON'T GO UNDRESSING GIRLS WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION AGAIN!!!! the repercussions could be horrendous if they wake up and you'd want to hope that your friend can keep his mouth shut.


The other day, after driving my girlfriend Carol home, I saw this girl named Crystal, who I know from school, standing in the cold rain because she was locked out of her house. She was cold wet and upset. I picked her up and drove her to my house so she could warm up. When my mother saw her, she told Crystal she could take a warm shower and gave her a bathrobe while she threw her cloths in the wash and dryer. Crystal is very shy and felt self conscious, so my mother suggested she rest in the den and told me to leave her alone. Well later she told me to knock on the door and let her know her cloths were dry. Instead of knocking, I slowly opened the door and saw Crystal asleep. The robe was hanging somewhat open allowing me to see more of her then I'm sure she would have wanted. She looked so sexy I couldn't help it. I very carefully pulled the robe back further to see all of her breasts and genital area as well, while being careful not to awake her. After viewing her beauty, I left the room and knocked on the door as if I never was in the room. I told a friend of mine about what I had done, and he said if I was so taken with the view of another girl, I didn't really love Carol, my girlfriend. I feel I love Carol, but I can't get the vision of Crystal out of my head. Is my friend right?
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Walking into a room where a girl is sleeping, particularly under the circumstances you describe, and moving her ropbe so you can see her genetalia and more is perverted, rude, sickening, and unlawful in some jurisdictions. It pretty much sickens me.


If you told your girlfriend exactly what you did and she didn't drop you like a hot potato, she is pretty sick herself.


It's natural to admire a woman's body but to walk over and move her clothing so you could see more is scumbag trask. Your girlfriend deserves better.


If you had done that to my sister and I found out, you would be in the hospital now. You are a real sickie. And your behavior makes me sick too.

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You let this butthole off pretty light. This guy's a first class pervert. I hope they don't have to much of this is Australia. We seem to produce a lot of sickies in America. My only hope is that this guy's post was a made up joke.

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I hope it was a joke too tony. i really wanted to say this:


"You are a sick pr***, who the hell do you think you are, you perverted, disrespectful little ****".


it makes me sick too, and i feel so much better getting that off my chest!! fortunately, i don't know anyone it's happened to, but if it did happen to me or a friend of mine, i would personally deck the bastard. sorry for my language, but i think it's revolting to do that to someone and a gross invasion of privacy. how dare he.


we have a lot of sickies here in australia, but i'm so glad that no one close to me has experienced this, because the guy wouldn't be able to walk properly again if he did. it disgusts me.


i was just worried about a huge backlash if i had of said what i thought. i'm so glad i got that off my chest, tony. thank you!!!

You let this butthole off pretty light. This guy's a first class pervert. I hope they don't have to much of this is Australia. We seem to produce a lot of sickies in America. My only hope is that this guy's post was a made up joke.
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That's much better, Nic. You never see me holding back, do you???


Always say what you feel. If there's backlash, that's good for the forum. You cannot let other people's opinions affect you. Be true to yourself...and never fall asleep on the couch if I'm closeby.

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he he! i'm sure i have good knuckles. as long as someone doesn't offend/assault/upset me, their nose will hopefully never find out!! hmmm, but then they'd probably have me up for assault, and i'd be claiming self-defence, and they'd be claiming provocation ("she asked for it half undressed") and then i'd be claiming nervous shock and pyschologists bills....but that's all for judge judy to decide!


i really hope that post was a joke, and if it wasn't, i hope to god he never does that again. i hope he learns his lesson.


you're right. if something is so blatantly wrong, i will not hold back next time. :)

That's much better, Nic. You never see me holding back, do you??? Always say what you feel. If there's backlash, that's good for the forum. You cannot let other people's opinions affect you. Be true to yourself...and never fall asleep on the couch if I'm closeby.


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Looking at a girl is one thing. But peering at her naked body without her knowing is a WHOLE DIFFERENT issue! You


loving Carol or Crystal or whover is the least of my worries here. The issue is...what kind of sicko are yoU???


I really really reallyyyy hope this was a joke.


If I was Crystal, I'd wake up and get the hell out of there and never come near you again. That's SICK! Who gave you permission to undress girls and peer at their genitalia??


Do you think that because you picked her up from the soaking rain and gave her shelter and dry clothes that you are now entitled to something in return, such as looking at her naked?!??


If I sound harsh, I'm not going to apologize. You need to realize that you CANNOT do this!


Two years ago, I went to stay with some friends. I was sleeping in the room with all of my girl friends. Two of my guy friends were sleeping in the other room. One of them had let an acquaintance (a stranger to me) stay in the same house as well. He came over to the couch while I was half asleep, reached down and kissed my face and was about to fondle my breast. Thank God I'm not shy, I screamed bloody murder!


Let me tell you...after my guy friends were done with him, he was out on the street with a bloody face and in a great deal of pain.


I'm not saying that you deserve a beating; I'm against violence. That's just to warn you, this girl wouldn't be too happy if she realized what you did. She trusted you enough to let you help her and stay over there. You violated her. You weren't supposed to be in there.


So if she has any brothers or some guy friends and they find out about this.....well...I'd be worried about broken bones, not whether I love my girlfriend or whether I like her better!

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I never intended to hurt anyone and as far

as I know, I didn't.

Robbing a bank doesn't really hurt anyone, if you don't shoot anybody. The losses are covered by well-funded insurance reserves. But that doesn't make bank robbery a good, moral or ethical thing to do.


Robbing someone of their dignity by moving their clothing and peaking at their nude body while they are asleep is a crime of great proportion against humanity.

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