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Why did he have to drop the L-word?

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So I have been in a very turbulent FWB situation for about 1 year now. So the short story of it is after many ups and downs, walking away and coming back, hurt, confusion, huge arguments... we reached a position a few weeks ago where everything was fine. I had reached a point where though I have feelings for this guy I understand there was never going to be anything more and it is what it is so I had been on the lookout now for a guy, going on dates ect. With the two of us getting together every couple of weeks with pretty much NC in between. Neither of us have actually slept with anyone else since we began seeing eachother.


Everything was finally fine, my emotions completely under control until a few nights ago...


Contact from him began to become more frequent, with us spending 3 nights together in the past 2 weeks which I noticed was unusual, also with random texts from him in between. Then the other night we were together, had some wine and were up chatting and stuff pretty much all night. I could feel like we had a really good connection like we always have done but not thinking anything more into it. We were talking about feelings and how well we get on and he was telling me he thinks I am beautiful, funny, amazing person, he doesn't trust anyone but feels he can trust me, his family would like me (they live in a different country so I have never met them), he misses me when we are not together, then he came out with 'I think I love you' which took me by surprise but in the moment felt right to reply with the same thing. It was a very nice, close moment between us, I also felt he opened up to me much more that night. Even after I had left his the next morning I felt more closeness and we met up later in the day which never happens.


Since then though I feel like I am back in 'ignore zone' as I have been calling it. I have heard nothing from him and have sent a couple of messages but received either one-two word response or nothing at all.


So now I am back in this complete state of confusion and feel like an idiot for actually letting my feelings known when I was doing so well at keeping them at bay. I know from this relationship previously he lets me get close then pushes me away again then lets me back in.


So I am torn as to what to do now.

I believe that he cares about me, I can see that he does, but I don't think it is Love. He would contact me more and treat me better if it was love? I don't know if he is just confused about the situation a bit like me or if he is just completely playing me to get what he wants and keep me around by telling me these things. But to be honest it is kind of making me less want to be around because of how he acts in between it has been so up and down like this for so long I don't know if I can take it anymore.


So do I talk to him and try to clear things up then move on from there? Or carry on as though nothing has happened but just allow the situation to fade out and move on? I don't want to stop all contact or anything but if I don't I feel like things are just going to go on and on, any advice from anyone experiencing/ed similar would be grateful.

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LOVE is about action, consistency...if there are ups and downs and confusion, wavering doubt, lack of consistency, IT IS NOT LOVE.

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