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Trust Again?

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I think my boyfriend lies to me about certain things. I know he'll probably never tell me the truth and I can't prove anything. Especially since he told me that most men will not admit to anything they have done wrong if they want to keep their relationship unless they were absolutely caught. I have a problem with that. I'd really like to trust him, but when he makes comments like that, how can I. I've written about his little love affair on the internet, and the plans made for Mardi Gras. He doesn't know I know, but I do. He hasn't said anything about them, and I told him if he goes to New Orleans without me that we're over and I mean it. He thinks I'm playing a game, but I do mean that. Do all men lie to cover up other lies or bad judgement? Is it possible for a woman to find a completely honest/good man? If so, where are they?

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NO, not all men are liars, and of COURSE he's going to say that because it gives him some control....now he has you believing you can't do any better than him with any other guy. I know plenty who stand by their word and generally have the ability to accept blame when they are wrong. I don't think there's any COMPLETELY honest people, but many who are pretty close. The problem is you may not be tuned to the humanity frequency required to pick them out. Sometimes we have to take a little time to ourselves to readjust our internal settings.

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This guy sounds like an a**hole. Why are you still with him? Don't threaten him, just leave. (I hate to say this, but I don't think you will.)


There are good men, but you might have to look in places you are not used to looking...and you may still find that there are other things about these men that you don't like. We are all human beings after all...However these other things will not be half as bad as the things your current boyfriend seems to do.

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