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Flirty friend confuses me. Is he just horny or does he really like me?

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very very confused

Ok, hello everyone this is my first time posting here after reading quite a few posts over the past few days. I have a small problem that i am really confused about and need people's help and opinion on...


I have this guy friend, lets just call him Alex, who is well to put it bluntly REALLY REALLY flirtatious. He flirts non stop and is very clingy and is always acting as if we are a couple. My friend noticed this and said that its just because he's a horny a**h***. Im totally confused. I dont know if he likes me or is just really horny. I need help to see if i should play along with him or try and push him away without hurting either of us because i like him but i dont want to get hurt...Please help

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If you want him to take you seriously as gf material, make him commit to at least treating you that way. That means asking you out formally, opening doors, and all that other stuff. It may seem stupid, but it sends a signal to a guy's brain. Don't let him get the goods for free, if you know what I mean.


Next time he gets super flirty with you, say to him -- well, are you just going to keep playing or are you going to put your money where your mouth is? Horny guy will think you mean sex. But, you can clarify that for him: I mean asking me out for a date, stupid.


Then, of course, the date doesn't mean he gets what he's after. Make him put some work into it (time, relationship stuff) if he wants to go there. That's how you weed out guys who are just horny. They'll move on to other sources fast enough if sex isn't forthcoming.


-- uriel

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ok... well it varies from person to person.. but i myself am like him... i can be very flirty and clingy etc etc even if i dont reallly like the girl that much.. I just like the attention and the fact I know I can do it and get away with it.. its fun.. I think you should ask him what is up.. because when Ive been like that to girls and they ask me whats up and I just say "nothing I just like you as a friend" .. then it clears everything up and we end up having a good friend ship and im still the same but they see that its just good Ol andyC.. and thats the way I am!

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Take a close look at the guy and ask yourself if you want to associate yourself with him. Though you may not be a couple, the casual observer might think so. Is the guy a jerk as your perhaps "jealous" friend brands him, or does he have a little class? If he is somewhat scummy, I would suggest some distance from him just to keep his crud from rubbing off on you. If you think he is ok, then it might be healthy for you to enjoy the flirtations.


He might have picked some of that flirt stuff up from TV where the media teaches the masses to flirt all the time. And a guy has to talk about something. Would you rather he talk football, nascar, or how cute you are?


Do be a respectful lady and make sure that you are married to a nice guy before having sex.

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you want to know the answer? two ways:


1. passive: within a couple of meetings something will happen. don't listen to your dumb women friends who say he is a horny pervert. you know you women like horny perverted guys.


2. aggressive: since he seems to be the shy type and is not busting out on the moves - ask him what's up. if you're the shy type.. then option 1 will always happen within a certain amount of time.

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