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Abusive relationship?

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I'm just hoping someone will read my story and talk some sense into me. I know I've broken up with him for the right reasons, but after day two I feel like I want to run right back. I love him with all my heart and this hurts tremendously because I just so badly had my heart set on a future with him.


I'm afraid I've found myself in an emotionally abusive relationship. It's not the first time my bf has called me names like b**** and whore and slut. It's starting to take it's toll on me. The other day we had a huge argument. He's in college, so am I but am 3 years older than him. First he asked me for 90 bucks to pay his phone bill, I gave it to him. He asked me to help him with hw, actually do it for him because he was very stressed about school and his job ect but I told him I didn't want to because it was his responsibility. I've helped him so many times, like done essays for him ect but he needs to learn to hold down his fort. So I said no and he began to explain the assignment, ignoring what I said so I started laughing and he's like will you please take it seriously and I told him, I'm sorry I can't you've got me going now. So I was laughing and he got very upset, rolled up the car windows and began to shout at me and curse me out. I said to him nicely, If i'm making you upset i'm going to leave before you do something you'll really regret. He then said "Im going to punch you in your face, I'm not done explaining .. sit the F*** down." So by this time I got scared and he took my coffee that was sitting in my bag and threw it all in my bag purposely and on me too. Then I said I'd like to have my money back and he said "what the hell are you going to do?, Get your a** out now, Get out!! Now you're not laughing!"


He was apologizing like crazy, he called me so many times saying I would be the best gift ever if I came back to him for his bday because this happened a few days before his bday. He told me he'd attend counseling for his behavior, I told him that's great but he should do that for him not to get back with me. I refused his offer to get back together and I could tell he was angry but he held it in. Then he said "for my bday can you please help me with this hw" (AGAIN he's asking) i'm like NO and he flips out two seconds after apologizing and curses me out like a maniac calling me a b**** ect. I've told him not to call me a b**** because I was sexually abused at one point and this is what my attacker use to call me when he did it and he shouldn't even need a reason to not call me names.

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You did the right thing in breaking up with this guy. Now get yourself some therapy so that you stay away from him and avoid his type in the future.

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