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Spinoff from Ed's "Friends"


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Adding to yesterday's discussion on male/female friends in hope of finding something for questions un-asked...


I believe maturity is the key to being a friend. And I don't believe in adding the word "true" to define a deeper friendship ... if it is not true, it's not friendship.


Friendship will last through whatever circumstances that call upon it or it is not friendship. A friend that exists only in fair weather is merely pleasant company. A friend who accompanies you in the hardest, ugliest, blandly mediocre, and best days is a friend.


I didn't understand how to be a friend until I had done something that required a major act of forgiveness from a friend. His forgiveness taught me the cost of my selfishness and thereby taught me of unselfishness and forgiveness.


Hmmmm, can't explain why I felt compelled to renew the discussion other than the reason that I enjoyed reading your conversations yesterday.


And on the subject of friends, I'll be posting a second message now, seeking advice on saving a friendship that has taken a distasteful turn. Thanks all!



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Forgiveness is certainly part of any relationship. However, the nature and frequency of the transgressions have to be taken into account. Friends do not consistently hurt, insult, or otherwise abuse the friendship and such consistency is NOT worthy of forgiveness and is a sign the friendship is over...in my own humble opinion.

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