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Maybe you "ugly" guys can try this

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4. Laid-back-ed-...ness?


Making your own words up to prove your own point is out right cheating as well.

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This appears to be yet another thread where certain women and their white knight friends wish to taunt men whom the women deem unattractive and unsuitable for dating. I guess by diminishing others, you make yourself feel better. There are a lot of people like that in today's world.


It's beyond amusing how some women, white knights and men who are highly successful in the dating world will hand out advice to other, less successful men, and simply tell them to "go get some confidence", "be funny", etc. It's like telling these men that they should drive down to the A & P and pick up a few cases of confidence, humour and chrisma and all their troubles will be gone. The advice is worthless, and since any reasonable person knows it's worthless, the only reasonable conclusion is that it is offered as a put-down or taunt to belittle these men.


All I can say to the women and white knights who are belittling men who struggle in the dating world because they can't, or don't want to, change to meet the superficial, degraded standards of our society, is that Karma will get its revenge on you at some point.


Yes. I see that often.


A guy on here will be like, "I get women. All you guys have to do is stop being such a bunch of p@ssies."


And then in another thread, the same poster will reveal that he has been approached many times over the course of his life by women.


But I do think they mean well for the most part. I wouldn't call it belittling. And OP definitely means well.


Let's face it. There's many women here who could give a crap about struggling men. They get their hot guys. Who gives a sh@t about anybody else who struggles with dating. You can tell almost right away that mentality.


It's just one of those things in life.

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Nothing anybody says will ever convince the guys on here that they have a chance with women. To them this is a a genuinely real thing.

Yeah well (this will be harsh so I expect the backlash), that's their own fault. If they saw things differently and at least tried to combat the bitterness, they might get somewhere.


No matter, whatever anyone says they will continue to complain about the same sh-t. I must refrain from even posting in these threads anymore and leave them to it, I don't see the point in even discussing it anymore.



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Yeah well (this will be harsh so I expect the backlash), that's their own fault. If they saw things differently and at least tried to combat the bitterness, they might get somewhere.


No matter, whatever anyone says they will continue to complain about the same sh-t. I must refrain from even posting in these threads anymore and leave them to it, I don't see the point in even discussing it anymore.




Bitterness can be independent of effort and even to some extent immediate success with women.


I actually had a girlfriend this year and I am doing a lot to better my life. More than most would.


But I've been kicked in the stomach so many times, it just kind of sticks with me. It's just ingrained in my mind. It's part of me. Hopefully, it will subside years from now, and I can laugh at it. I have a pretty good grasp of how to go about things from now on, so there's definitely a chance. :cool:


One poster here has a wife and kids and he still harbors some bitter feelings towards women to some extent. And given my experiences, I can totally understand that. Not saying it's good. Just saying I understand why.

Edited by JuneJulySeptember
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Nothing anybody says will ever convince the guys on here that they have a chance with women. To them this is a a genuinely real thing.


So all of us unsuccessful introverts are just sitting alone in our bedrooms, terrified to even try? All this failure is invented in our minds?


Oh wait, NO.


I've tried and failed. So have most others who are complaining.


It's the female nature to go after confident extroverts. We're introverts, not extroverts. And where does confidence come from? For us it comes from success. And if we have no success to build confidence, then what?


Nice try, blaming the victims instead of the nature of the female gender, which makes us introverts into victims by design. You succeed at the game of animal attraction because you're wired to succeed at it, not because you're any smarter or better than others. If you were a legit hardcore introvert who failed for many years and then changed things and started having lots of success, that would give you a basis to point fingers. 99% sure that is not the case.


Yeah well (this will be harsh so I expect the backlash), that's their own fault. If they saw things differently and at least tried to combat the bitterness, they might get somewhere.


No matter, whatever anyone says they will continue to complain about the same sh-t. I must refrain from even posting in these threads anymore and leave them to it, I don't see the point in even discussing it anymore.




You're right, it's pointless for genetically-predisposed thin people to mock and point fingers at genetically-predisposed fat people, blaming and shaming them for how fat their bodies naturally want to be. Well, not totally pointless. The point is for the thin people to stroke their ego at others' expense.

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Attraction encompasses many things that people do have control over. Everyone has flaws whether its mental or physical, and those who put in the effort to improve themselves deserve to be with other people who make a similar effort.


Whether you guys realize it or not, women have to work on being attractive too, even the ones you think are just naturally "hot".


I'm definitely shy, introverted, and insecure. However, it amazes me that girls will never agree which means I must be good at faking it. I've had several employers during interviews say I'm outgoing. They don't have a clue. I'm "acting" too, because I know what they're looking for.


I'm not a natural at all or else I'd be working the 9s and 10s, but I'm not willing to be a coward and take the leftovers either. Fk yeah I have lots of social anxiety and I'm scared as hell. But I take my fear, punch myself in the nuts and say "Fk it" I'm not stopping until I become the guy who can handle any 8+ that crosses my path.

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I'm attracted to that touch of vulnerability but then again I seem to have a poor man picker. All of the guys I've gotten involved with have ended up having issues so maybe what seems endearing to me on the surface is actually a sign of a troubled soul.
Thought about this and what came to mind is that the more self-sensitive a guy, the more self-protective of his ego he will be. If he feels any fear or hurt, he will retract and lash out.
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Thought about this and what came to mind is that the more self-sensitive a guy, the more self-protective of his ego he will be. If he feels any fear or hurt, he will retract and lash out.


Wow, no broad generalizations here :rolleyes:

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Making your own words up to prove your own point is out right cheating as well.


Thank you for the giggle. :love:

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Most women bring up drive and ambition which opposes your view on women liking laid back men. Also funny guys are chronically dateless until they become a celebrity comedian.


Most women find self-deprecating humor as a sign of weakness.


You're just not understanding these things. Women like laid back because it shows lack of anxiety, which tends to mean he's confident. Laid back and ambitious are not opposites.


Every woman says she likes a funny guy. The reason is humor and quick wit are tied to intelligence, which is tied to success.


Self-depreciation isn't attractive, but the key word again is humor. Being able to laugh at oneself is another sign of confidence. It's all in the delivery.

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most ugly guys complaining about their lack of success are going for women out of their league


This is asinine, there is no such thing as leagues. I ask women out that I find attractive -- that's it. I know I'm ugly, so am I allowed to only ask ugly girls out?


I have all the traits the OP posted + money, so i have been told. But still cannot attract any woman, so I have to be desperate and date ugly girls? This is such BS.

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Thought about this and what came to mind is that the more self-sensitive a girl, the more self-protective of her ego she will be. If she feels any fear or hurt, she will retract and lash out.


Is this accurate as well...? :confused:

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Krasinski's a bit too hesitant for me. As far as O'Brien, the ex-husband's humour is like that, albeit not over-the-top coke frenetic when O'Brien gets cranked.


What do you mean by hesitant? Is it his body language?

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If you can't attract hot girls then what choice do you have?


I'm not even talking about hot. Just cute in my eyes. Hot is too expensive for the wallet and emotions. For example, I'd go on one date with Megan Fox. As for a LTR, I don't think so, there's nothing common between us and her lifestyle requires me to be in the public eye. So,no, hot is not my requirement. Just cute, bubbly. Is this too much to ask?

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What do you mean by hesitant? Is it his body language?
When he's being himself, it's in the manner of his speech pattern, facial expression and body language. There's a hesitancy and awkwardness about him. When he mimics others, his body language is phenomenal.


Conan O'Brien is a good comparative in that the juxtaposition clearly illustrates their differences.


Another good comparative is David Letterman.


Both O'Brien and Letterman are verbal men, Letterman more so since O'Brien also relies on physicality. Krasinski is all about mimicking physicality where his verbal skills aren't great. The tempo of his speech is just a bit too quick and erratic. He's also not the best at banter and looks like hard work for both O'Brien and Letterman to draw out and ensure the audience is laughing and entertained. His body language doesn't engage with whomever he's speaking to. This is obvious with Letterman where Krasinski's sitting with his legs crossed, hips on the far side of his seat, nervously touching his tie and many other forms of twitching.

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Having a funny personality is great and yeah it certainly attracts women but it's not enough. Any man who wants to attract women consistently and for long term has to get his sh*t together in various aspects of his life.


And I don't understand some of men on this forum. They admit that they literally have nothing going on for them yet they expect women to be attracted to them??? Would you be attracted to a woman as ugly and bitter as yourself? I highly doubt it.

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most ugly guys complaining about their lack of success are going for women out of their league


What if no woman ever seems attracted to you? Even the "conventionally unattractive" ones? Then what? Who's in my "league". What do I do? Not every guy who's terrible with women is going after the hottest women around, most of the women I talk to are average plain women, and yet I'm ALWAYS rejected.

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Having a funny personality is great and yeah it certainly attracts women but it's not enough. Any man who wants to attract women consistently and for long term has to get his sh*t together in various aspects of his life.


So who is right?


mesmerized or Treasa?


Because so far, both of you are saying completely different things.

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I'm a naturally introverted fuggo guy and I've somewhat changed it. I can flirt with girls, girls will sometimes make passes at me, and I have a steady girlfriend. So it can be done. Wasn't easy though and I'd never bag on a guy who was having a hard time of things.


He's famous too. That's a big part of the attraction from these women (way bigger than looks and personality).


Yeah, I have to laugh whenever women post up pics of rich/famous guys who are very well known and go 'he's regular looking but still kinda sexy in a way'. DUH, he's RICH AND FAMOUS. Looks don't matter when you have a big house, a private jet, get comped in Vegas, party at the Playboy Mansion etc.


So I guess the ultimate solution for ugly guys is...win the lottery! ORR figure out how to start your own popular TV show. One or the other.

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Look at who women mostly date. They say they find intelligence and humor attractive but the intelligent and the funny are under dated. Even when they do date them they act like it is charity work that makes them look less superficial but it actually does the opposite.


So what I'm getting at is don't bother dating until you get your own place, car, and a decent salary.


Anything less is not acceptable.

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So what I'm getting at is don't bother dating until you get your own place, car, and a decent salary.


Anything less is not acceptable.


now don't be dumb. There are men who don't have those things but still date, specially younger men. But they're mostly dating women in the same situation. A woman with her own place, car and decent salary is going to expect the same. Nothing wrong with that. You wanna be ugly, poor, boring as hell and have hot independent women want to suck your penis? Not happening.

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You wanna be ugly, poor, boring as hell and have hot independent women want to suck your penis? Not happening.


Where did I say that?


My strategy is not to bother dating until I have my own job and place.


No decent woman worth going after is going to accept a man living with his parents and is broke 25/7.


The women who is willing to accept that has her own share of issues and I'm staying clear of them. I don't need any more problems in my life.

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now don't be dumb. There are men who don't have those things but still date, specially younger men. But they're mostly dating women in the same situation. A woman with her own place, car and decent salary is going to expect the same. Nothing wrong with that. You wanna be ugly, poor, boring as hell and have hot independent women want to suck your penis? Not happening.


Of course. Doesn't everybody want to be ugly?


I mean your looks are a choice, right? Oh wait.... :rolleyes:

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