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:( ....made a fool of myself today


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i was on the bus...and well nobody was sitting in the passenger seat...then this cute girl sits there next to me...well i usually never talk to a girl in public especially if i don't know her...or even ask girls out period (i'm 18 and i've never asked a girl out)....well for the first time...i decided to take a risk...so i asked her..."u headed to the mall"...she's like yeah...then there was the odd silent moment...she then said "wat made u think i was headed to the mall"...i said "i don't know...just kinda guessed...i was just tryin to create conversation"...she laughed...but she obviously didn' want talk to me...so i decided to bail out and called my friend on my cell since i was headed to work at the mall...then she asked me...so wat time to u start...i'm guessin she was listenin to my phone call and assumed i was going to work...but there was no bye...or no nice talkin to u...i was completly ignored...i felt like crap...i felt like a loser...i dont know if i'll ever get a gf...well writing how i felt sure helps...maybe u guys can give me some input...but yeah :(


i just want the feelin of being liked and liking that someone...i mean...i just don't understand whats wrong wit me...i consider myelf a pretty good lookin guy...i'm smart...don't drink or smoke...am i the type of guy "girls" don't like...but only "women" would want??

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just ask out lots of girls. trust me most of my hot girlfriends are just as nervous as you. you'll be ok :D

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I think that a lot of girls would be wary of being chatted up by perfect strangers on the bus & stuff. Nothing wrong with smiling & being friendly and all and nothing ventured nothing gained, as they say, but if you're going to ask girls out like this be prepared for a lot of rejections.

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I missed the part where you asked her out or were rejected? As far as I can tell all you did was have some tiny bit of small talk. You weren't rejected, sillypants.


Anyway, the bus is not a place to meet people, in my experience. One, sorry to say, chicks like a guy with a car. But not always. But usually. Often. Depending on whether you live in a crowded city or not. Especially girls on the bus, because they apparently don't have a car, either - they want a boyfriend who can pick them up and drop them off and meet them even when the bus line is closed. Two, people board the bus expecting and often looking forward to quiet time peppered with freaky people observation. So, in general, people are not feeling very chatty and it would take a lot of warming up time. I bet that if you saw her on the bus again a couple times, you might have better chance. People are more friendly towards people their familiar with. I bet if you saw her again and acknowledged each other and said some words, she'd at least say goodbye, and you'd move up into the acquaintance category instead of perfect stranger. We decently attractive women are used to being hit on on the bus. Every jackass hits on girls on the bus. So you win points by not being forward. Next time you see her if there's a next time, she'll be tons more receptive to you. So chin up, you did fine. And if you don't have a car, I didn't mean to depress you; all is certainly not lost, but the reality is that your situation isn't good with a lot of women so you might as well be aware that bus guys are usually considered losers - just for being on the bus. The reason is, because unless we're talking about a large city where owning a car is more trouble than its worth, or traveling distances where it's far more economical & convenient to ride the bus, most guys on the bus (arguably) ARE lsoers. You're only 18 though, so it's a little different. but that's what you're up against.

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I'm sorry about my bus/loser comments. It's really not true that all guys on the bus are losers. But I'm serious about most girls liking a guy with a car, and being wary of guys on the bus. Guys on the bus are often really freaky and so we deal with them with caution. I don't want you to be too discouraged about what I say. It's more of a character defect in younger women than it is a negative in guys, okay?

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no i have a car...its just that its in the shop...so for the last 2 weeks i've been takin the bus...but wouldn't even be worse if ur hittin on a girl from ur car ? ahha

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Originally posted by ice_solid_2k4

no i have a car...its just that its in the shop...so for the last 2 weeks i've been takin the bus...but wouldn't even be worse if ur hittin on a girl from ur car ? ahha

Yeah it's even worse - familiarity is pretty important. So you have a better chance if the girl has seen you before. Like if you're at a party and have a bit of friendly small talk, then you separate and come back later on, she'll recognize you as a friendly guy that wasn't just trying to hit on her and be more receptive. It doesn't mean she'll like you obviously, but it's better.

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hey just know this man


if u feel like u made a mistake, then know what u did was mistakes, and that u learn form mistakes. dont get depresses over it or ull be lonely for a long time. learn form mistakes.


i wish i had enough experience to know what works :o

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i did respond...it was funny when i first said something to her...she had like a surprsied look on her face..it was hilarious..i tried not to laugh

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