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jealousy, flirting, protecting... GGRRRR

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I'm in a current relationship and we've been going out for just about 9 months. He's really curious with trying new things and he's kind of a flirt (he's 14). He's got this perverted humor that most people enjoy or get a laugh at a lot. He's still kind of immature, but most of us(as in our friends) are. When he's kind of in the funny/joking/perverted mood he'll like poke at another girl's boobs or poke/point to their crotch or ass. I don't like it when he does that cuz I don't like/want him touching/grabbing at other girls. And I get jealous when he does it cuz he like practically pays no attention to me and doesn't touch me or anything(I'm not saying that I want to be sexually pleased in public). What I do is just kinda pull his arm back when he's gonna do somethin like that to another girl, or just kinda slap his shoulder or arm (not hard). This all has happened in the past a few times, but it was mostly last night. Cuz then this one girl who has a bf, but likes to hang on everyone else's boyfriend or just any guy.. well she was sittin behind my boyfriend and all of a sudden put her arms around him, sliding her hands to his stomach. So my reaction was smacking her arm. And my boyfriend gives me this weird look and told me that "I'm too protective". The girl did it again to him but this time like grabbed at his crotch. It just pisses me off. He got mad at me for stopping him from touching other girls and stopping other girls touch him. I got mad at him for touching other girls and letting other girls touch him. When this happened I just went and kinda sat alone by myself. One of my guy friends came and sat with me to see what was wrong, but I hardly talked to him. Well my boyfriend got mad at me for having my guy friend sit by me and talk to me cuz my bf thinks that I like this friend of mine, and I don't. I just like him as a friend. We talked about it after all this happened and my boyfriend like gave me permission to touch other guys, and I don't want to touch other guys, and I don't want other guys touching me. I think it's really stupid..... UGH!!!

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Get rid of this little kid. He's way too immature for a relationship. He's still at the Beavis/Butthead stage in his life, which some guys never seem to grow out of. Why the hell have you been putting up with this crap???

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at that age that's whats happening. she needs to learn how to deal with it. or date an older guy like i did.

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she needs to learn how to deal with it.


I guess my point is she shouldn't HAVE to deal with it. The guy sounds like a loser! Would you seriously be ok with your boyfriend grabbing other peoples' breasts/butts and expecting it to be fine?

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