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oh no!!!


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Ok well it has been 2 weeks and i have not heard nothing from him at all, i have called his house and the only time that he will answer is when he is on the other line. I say when you are done call me back, yes i will but the call is not returned. i know what is happening but i am scared to face this, he is so different then the other men that i have dated, we have alot in commonand we do (normally) have great communication, i do not fear telling him anything. but to ask him if he wants out then to hear a answer that i already know. it's hurts just to think of it. i do not know what to do to get past this. i am always told to wait it out and he will approch me. nwo this seems to be really lost.!!! sorry for the confussion in this message buut i am very confussed. i feel very unhappy right now, however if he were to walk in that door i would not feel the same way. i would be so excited to see him.. HELP please!!!


thank you



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well i am almost in the same situation as you are, and the only thing that I can say is that you need to talk to him about it. Ask him to meet you someone for lunch, before you tell him to call you back. If he refuses, than you should probably look for someone new. But he might say yes, and then you can find out with he is really feeling. Hope it works out!! And if it doesn't just remember that there are other fish in the sea!!

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well i am almost in the same situation as you are, and the only thing that I can say is that you need to talk to him about it. Ask him to meet you someone for lunch, before you tell him to call you back. If he refuses, than you should probably look for someone new. But he might say yes, and then you can find out with he is really feeling. Hope it works out!! And if it doesn't just remember that there are other fish in the sea!!

i know that there are other fish in the sea however i do not date men just like that, really it takes alot for me to go on one date. it took 2 years for after the last break up for me to date, i know that i could ask him to meet me but his work hours are really weird, he works for the city, shift work, that is another problem. i do not know what to think any more. i know that i could play games and get him to call me ( he likes that) ya i know weird !!! right now i am freaking out...


well thank you



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One thing you better do is stop calling. To him, you are turning into a nuisance and that's not what you want to be to him. The very best thing you can do is disappear out of his life. In time, his curiosity will have him burning to see what you're up to.


Right now, forget him...and for your own sake, STOP CALLING, DON'T SEND MESSAGES, LETTERS, FLOWERS, CANDY...NO CONTACT AT ALL!!!


I know this will be hard but when people don't return your calls, they are sending a message. Show him you're smart enough to get it.

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One thing you better do is stop calling. To him, you are turning into a nuisance and that's not what you want to be to him. The very best thing you can do is disappear out of his life. In time, his curiosity will have him burning to see what you're up to. Right now, forget him...and for your own sake, STOP CALLING, DON'T SEND MESSAGES, LETTERS, FLOWERS, CANDY...NO CONTACT AT ALL!!! I know this will be hard but when people don't return your calls, they are sending a message. Show him you're smart enough to get it.

thank you tony,


i was waiting for your advise, i always read your responses about peoples problems. you have very good advise. ya it will be hard but i will do that.


thank you



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Ok well it has been 2 weeks and i have not heard nothing from him at all, i have called his house and the only time that he will answer is when he is on the other line. I say when you are done call me back, yes i will but the call is not returned. i know what is happening but i am scared to face this, he is so different then the other men that i have dated, we have alot in commonand we do (normally) have great communication, i do not fear telling him anything. but to ask him if he wants out then to hear a answer that i already know. it's hurts just to think of it. i do not know what to do to get past this. i am always told to wait it out and he will approch me. nwo this seems to be really lost.!!! sorry for the confussion in this message buut i am very confussed. i feel very unhappy right now, however if he were to walk in that door i would not feel the same way. i would be so excited to see him.. HELP please!!!


thank you kimmi

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You are giving this guy way too much power over your life. If he doesn't call you, you have to think that you are enough of a woman to say, "It's his loss! I'm moving on to someone who shows he can appreciate a wonderful woman like me."

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