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Life/Career Coach...

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After many years and much success working for myself for many years in th same industry I am looking to transition in a new direction. I have a lot of things in mind, but sometimes I get confused. I hear a lot about career/life coaches and how they can help with this. I am skeptical, but willing to try if its worth it.


Just curious if anyone had any experiences and would be willing to share..


Thanks in advance.



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They are a waste of money. See a professional astrologer for the same price or less. He or she can see in your chart what your aptitude is for a particular job or jobs. I'm not kidding. You might be able to get free advice on astrology forums where professional post. I'd start there first. Bob Marks has a forum. ElsaElsa has a forum.

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It probably depends on the person. Some might be complete wastes of money while others might have a knack for helping people sort things out.


I actually know a guy who is a "life coach", and he seems like he does a good job of helping people sort through issues and learn to see the positives of situations. I think the key difference between a shrink and a life coach is that a shrink can prescribe meds if needed (and sometimes, they ARE needed).


I'd be skeptical about hiring a life coach simply based on my belief that the services they provide are more than likely able to be reached by most people through soul searching, reaching out to their own social and community network (friends, family, churches, clubs, support groups, etc.).


The life coach route would have an advantage if you a) didn't have much of a social/community network to draw on and b) you are looking for more exclusive "one on one" time with someone who's sole purpose in talking to you is to help you figure your issues/goals out (which is often not the case with friends/family). I'd say if you have the money and can find a coach who seems reputable (i.e. someone who doesn't seem prone to selling to Scientology or something, haha), it might be worth a shot.

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