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don't know what to think about fwb situation

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Ok it need some help.


My "friends with benefit" guy tells me he loves me. Are we in trouble here? I mean normally guys who are in that type of "relationship" doesn't say that, do they??? Are there romantic feelings on his part? I know I need to talk to him and will but need some advice before I talk to him and hopefully don't make things weird between us.

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Are there romantic feelings on his part?


Normally "I love you" connotes romantic feelings.


Maybe he wants to turn FWB into something else.


The only way you're gonig to find out is to talk to him about it.

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How do you feel about him? Would you want a more serious relationship or are you happy with the FWB thing. What is it exactly that is making things weird? These are things you have to think about before talking with him.

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