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Starring into your eyes during sex. What does this mean?

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I need your advice on something...I was seeing this guy during July and August, we broke up because unfortunately I was very nagging, we talked about this and I apologized, in that conversation I said did you want to try again (this was about 5 weeks ago) and he said no, nothing against me but he just wanted to be by himself for a while. In the last two weeks, I have been seeing him out a lot. He comes over and hangs out with me and my friends and flirts with me. Well, one thing led to another last night and I ended spending the night at his place after we left the bar.


It was very weird, he talked to me for 4 hours straight. Just talking about everything...nothing about us or other girls. I started to fall asleep and he's like lets go to bed. There was no pressure but we ended up having sex. The thing that was different was that he starred into my eyes the entire time (not to be gross but 2 hours). This confuses me.


My friends say that he was "making love" to me and I'm just not sure. Can you guys give me your opinion on this please. I'm not sure what to expect now. Was this a booty call or more?


Thanks for your advice.

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I'm not sure what it means, but if you really want to have a relationship with this guy I would seriously suggest not sleeping with him after he tells you he doesn't want to be with you.

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The nonstop staring doesn't really necessarily mean anything about his intentions. If you want an actual relationship again, I think you need to hold out a little more.

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I've read that when 2 people have sex and they look into the eyes of each other it causes a type of bonding, which generally means closeness. Whether this is what happened, I don't know.


How has your ex responded to you since then? Has there been more contact? What has the conversation been like?


Only time will tell what the outcome will be. But, I'd also recommend that you not sleep with him, unless you don't mind being involved sexually with someone you're not in a committed, exclusive relationship with.


Blessings always in God's presence! :)

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My bf is a very "visual" person. He adores looking at my face while making love. I think it is indeed bonding, I get most of my clues from his face :o .


He may have "stared" at you for different reasons. One: it does make the whole act more intense, two: he wanted to watch all your reactions to find out if it's just sex you were after, three: maybe he didn't wanted to be just sex and he was trying to give you this message, four: maybe you looked beautiful while making love and he was surprised to see this so he continued to look at you more and more.


There are lots of explinations. I tend to trust the one that implies he wanted to bring more intimacy into what you were doing.


It all depends on what this was to you. If it was just sex, I think he sensed it.


my two cents anway,



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Maybe he is developing a thyroid disease:


"Thyroid eye disease often occurs in people who develop an overactive thyroid gland. Swelling of the muscles and other tissues in the orbits causes the eyes to become pushed forward and more prominent. The eyes often take on a more staring appearance."

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Thanks for your responses. Fred I was lmao reading your message...I don't think that was what it was...but thanks for sharing it really made me laugh.


Well, he didn't call last night but I didn't expect him to either. This was one of the issues we had when we were seeing each other, so it was no surprise. I did see him today at work (no one there knows anything and we never make it look like anything is going on). He just said good morning and smiled as he was passing by me. Later I ran into him again when he was leaving and he again just kept smiling. I have no idea what he's thinking at this point. Not quite sure why he's smiling so much and not talking. Normally we will chat for a second this how it's been since we broke up. When we were together we were so worried about anyone finding out that we just smile and said "hello" and "goodbye". But he didn't even say goodbye today, he just kept smiling all the way out the door and turned around to see if I was still looking. This was kinda weird.


I hope he calls tonight, I miss being with him but I have no idea how he feels about me. I do think that he has been out looking for me over the last 2 to 3 weeks because he knows where I go and what days and in the conversation he mentioned going twice to the one place and when I was at his house he had matches on the floor from the other and he told me before he never goes there expect to see me. So I really don't know what is going on.


Any more advice I would greatly appreciate it. Have a great day!

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