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Is this Normal....


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For some Time Now I have a deep,Urge to give Oral sex.I donno Why But I'd Like it more than receiving it,I don't know why but usually when Im just sitting around my thoughts drift into This all the time.Oh yeah Im male heh...Guess I should have mentioned that first...But I don't Know why,every Girl I meet I end Up thinking about this...One girl more recently but its been a mix of 3.Its just started a few months ago though and it just came with full force,And since I meditate Alot usually my thoughts stick and don't drift into diffrent things,So when I get these thoughts they usually stick a while,Is this a problem....?

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I think this is hilarious, where are you, can I come over? ROFL :-)) Hon, it's great, it's normal, you're prolly a normal growing boy with normal fantasies and discoveries (I'm assuming you're a youngen here, correct me if I'm wrong!)


I went through something similar with oral sex on guys, if I liked the look of some guy I'd fantasise about their penis, what'd be like in my mouth (oops sorry, can I say that on here, I didn't mean to be RUDE LOL)


Stick with your thoughts, they are normal AND healthy.


So where do you live again?........hehehe



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It's only a problem if you let it bother you. Thinking about oral sex is a lot better than thinking about murdering someone or overthrowing the government.


People sometimes go through periods of obsessing about one thing or the other. It's not a harmful thing, actually it's pretty normal.


I think if you find a nice girlfriend who enjoys oral sex and you are with her and pleasing her for 24 hours straight without stopping, except for air, you probably won't want to think about it anymore.

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Don't worry, you seem 100% normal to me :)


You said "I'd like it more" so I'm guessing you've never given oral sex before. I think you're just curious to try it out. And when you're curious about wanting to experience something, you start thinking about it a lot.


It depends on individual preferences.


Some guys enjoy giving it. Some guys don't.


Some girls enjoy receiving it. Some girls don't.


Likewise, some girls enjoy giving it. Some girls don't.


And some guys enjoy receiving it. Some guys don't (although I can't say I know too many guys in this category).

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