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Am graduating in december,I have a housing problem which is that I need a roommate in the next two weeks in order to continue my lease since one of my roommate left, My other roommate is my friend but is not in the lease. Its an apartment for two but has three rooms so having three people makes it cheap for me. My friend cannot come up with the money for a lease. We have a female friend who we have been friends for a while and wants to move in with us urgently because she has a week to get out of her place. So the big problem is that my girlfriend is not friends with her anymore, they used to be close and I have asked them what happened and all of them said that they are cool its just they don't feel each other anymore. She said that if my female friend becomes my roommate she wont visit me anymore and is mad about the situation. I told her its its not easy to come up with money in the less time I have left and I cannot risk being homeless. My other problem is that I cannot move out because if i move out I will be paying twice the amount and I will be living with people i don't know. My girlfriend has been talking about wanting to be alone so in my mind she wants to breakup. Should I be roommate with the female friend and risk loosing my girlfriend or should I move out/look for another roommate? thanks for any advice

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Have your female friend be your roommate whether or not it upsets your current gf or not. At the end of the day, she's not the one paying rent, you are. It's better to have her leave you and still have a place to live for cheap than to move out, pay double and still have her leave you, since it seems like she wants to be single. If she cared about you enough she wouldn't make you choose between her and your friend.

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