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Age and hair length on a guy

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Ive asked before if women liked longer hair on guys, and the replies were half and half. In my own dating life its been about half and half as well. Some girls absolutely loved my hair since its unique (dreads, almost chin length), while other girls were indifferent but thought Id look cool with your average black guys short hair cut (possibly with waves too).


Im starting this thread because Im 26, and I started wondering if theres an age when I should have a more "mature" looking hairstyle. Ill be 27 at the end of the year, and Ive noticed that as Ive gotten older, my clothing style has matured some from my teens and early 20s.....so what about hair? I feel like chin length hair is as long as I think a guy my age can pull off. Plus I wouldnt want it to be much longer than that because Id feel immature and less professional when I wear formal attire.


What do ladies my age and older feel about longer hair on a guy? Lets say the guy is around my age of 26, and also how youd think itd look on a guy over 30 granted hes well groomed and in shape? Ill admit Im rather attached to my hair as dreads take time to form and I like my look. Plus, unless god forbid I start balding around 30...I do plan to keep the style for as long as I can.

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Well, if I still had hair I'd do dreads too. Even though I'm white, I'd love to revel in the fact that the hair was still there.


I get more compliments (from women) on my hair now that I'm completely bald vs when I had hair that was going away. So, not sure how women would feel about longer hair though.

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Well, if I still had hair I'd do dreads too. Even though I'm white, I'd love to revel in the fact that the hair was still there.


I get more compliments (from women) on my hair now that I'm completely bald vs when I had hair that was going away. So, not sure how women would feel about longer hair though.


I love playing with a guy's head, regardless of how much or how little (or no) hair he has.

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I love playing with a guy's head, regardless of how much or how little (or no) hair he has.


That's why I like to keep it smooth up there. That, or in case someone needs some good luck...

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That's why I like to keep it smooth up there. That, or in case someone needs some good luck...


Or if they need a magic eight ball!! :laugh: Love it, dude.


It's amazing how erogenous the head is, actually. One of the fastest ways to get me moaning is to play with my hair or lightly tease my scalp.

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Star Gazer

Hate long hair on men, regardless of age, but it looks even worse as the guy matures. Just my opinion.

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Hate long hair on men, regardless of age, but it looks even worse as the guy matures. Just my opinion.


Especially when it gets all stringy and stuff...blech.

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I've always found guys with longer hair way more attractive then the guys with short hair. That is, as long as he washes it and doesn't let it get gross. One of my friend's ex boyfriends had long hair and he would never wash it. It looked so greasy and horrible. For him I think shaving his head would have been a much better option.

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I haven't worn my hair long since I was 3. I'm quite unambitious with my hair - get the same low cut fade, always. Once I had a slightly higher top fade but I got fed up with everybody calling me Carlton Banks :laugh:. Always the same, Grade 1 on top, 0.5 on sides, faded.


Now complete with chinstrap :D.

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i haven't worn my hair long since i was 3. I'm quite unambitious with my hair - get the same low cut fade, always. Once i had a slightly higher top fade but i got fed up with everybody calling me carlton banks :laugh:. Always the same, grade 1 on top, 0.5 on sides, faded.


Now complete with chinstrap :D.


omg so cute!!

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Hate long hair on men, regardless of age, but it looks even worse as the guy matures. Just my opinion.


Nothing more hideous than long gray hair. Makes a guy look like a drug addict. Even worse if it's in a ponytail and he's bald on top. :eek:

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I haven't worn my hair long since I was 3. I'm quite unambitious with my hair - get the same low cut fade, always. Once I had a slightly higher top fade but I got fed up with everybody calling me Carlton Banks :laugh:. Always the same, Grade 1 on top, 0.5 on sides, faded.


Now complete with chinstrap :D.


Awwwwwwwwwww @ the pic

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Mr. Nibbles

I'm in my 40's and have been growing it out since I turned 40. Having long hair is great as long as it looks good. The women love it.


The easiest way to deal with this conundrum is to cut your hair off every year or two. If you are happier when it is growing out then you should consider that option for a while. You can always cut it off.

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I don't like long hair on men, or beards. Big shaggy beards = ugh. Yet other women seem to love them.

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I don't like long hair on men, or beards. Big shaggy beards = ugh. Yet other women seem to love them.
The only time it looks okay is when they keep it clean, conditioned and not too long, just long enough to keep it clubbed. But if they keep it clubbed, why not just have short hair?


Long hair looks really awful when hairlines start to recede. It looks like their foreheads are chasing after their tails. :laugh:

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I personally wouldn't date a man with longer hair or bigger tits than me. But, that's just me. :p

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The only time it looks okay is when they keep it clean, conditioned and not too long, just long enough to keep it clubbed. But if they keep it clubbed, why not just have short hair?


Long hair looks really awful when hairlines start to recede. It looks like their foreheads are chasing after their tails. :laugh:



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Especially when it gets all stringy and stuff...blech.

lol...well Im good there, as Im not capable of stringy hair. Im capable of poofy, shaggy dogg hair days if I dont maintain my dreads often lol. But I take good care of my hair, so thats not an issue =P

I haven't worn my hair long since I was 3. I'm quite unambitious with my hair - get the same low cut fade, always. Once I had a slightly higher top fade but I got fed up with everybody calling me Carlton Banks :laugh:. Always the same, Grade 1 on top, 0.5 on sides, faded.


Now complete with chinstrap :D.

Lol....buckwheat! haha.


Dude, I loved when I had my fro. Sometimes I would let it get wild like that. Was fun. People were fascinated by it too.

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Star Gazer
lol...well Im good there, as Im not capable of stringy hair. Im capable of poofy, shaggy dogg hair days if I dont maintain my dreads often lol. But I take good care of my hair, so thats not an issue =P

Lol....buckwheat! haha.


Dude, I loved when I had my fro. Sometimes I would let it get wild like that. Was fun. People were fascinated by it too.


Dreads are a version of stringy hair, to me.

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Nothing more hideous than long gray hair. Makes a guy look like a drug addict. Even worse if it's in a ponytail and he's bald on top. :eek:

hair dye ftw lol

Dreads are a version of stringy hair, to me.

lol, its not stringy in any way though. Its actually matted hair--lots of tangles formed into a nice cylinder of hair if well maintained.


Only the worst maintained dreads ever look stringy to me, and thats usually from white hippie folks or yuppies if they dont take care of their hair. African hair is usually too curly to be stringy.

I personally wouldn't date a man with longer hair or bigger tits than me. But, that's just me. :p

Lol, Im trying to think if Ive ever had longer hair than someone Ive dated. Dont think so...but thats cus I normally end up dating girls with long hair. Id totally date a short haired girl though. One of my biggest crushes in college was a girl with a pixie cut.

I don't like long hair on men, or beards. Big shaggy beards = ugh. Yet other women seem to love them.

I never thought big hair on top of the head looked good with facial hair. I always felt that if you had longer than average hair on your scalp, that you should shave your face. And that if you had shorter hair, that a beard could then look good. And I think it looks especially good when bald. It adds personality to what would otherwise be a hairless head.


I think there needs to be a trade off. Personally I feel I look like a caveman or a homeless guy if I grow a beard. So I tend to clean shave and wear my hair back with a thin black band, or with a bandana a la Rafa Nadal.

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I've never been a fan of long hair on men (not even as a teen), but that's probably because most guys of my ethnicity look awful with it. Some guys can really pull it off.


I do think that long hair conveys a certain sense of unprofessionalism. Might be good if you were into an artsy career, but otherwise I can only see it being a drawback.

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I'm in my 40's and have been growing it out since I turned 40. Having long hair is great as long as it looks good. The women love it.



In my 40's and have hair past my shoulders. Also grow a shaggy great beard every winter. Sometimes called Chabal by the kids I teach although a lot of that is because I am also built similar to him and played a lot of rugby. Older mates are more likely to call me Captain Caveman, which is a much more accurate resemblance.


Couldn't give a crap if women like it or not. I just like some weather protection in the winter and hate going to the barber.

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I'm a big fan of a decent fro but not so keen on dreads. It's ok in your 20s though. I suppose key is that your dressing style and your hairstyle can't be too out of line. You can have a sharp suit and a sharp fro though.

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We make all sorts of assumptions about people based on their clothing and hairstyle. It probably isn't right, but it's reality.


Long hair on men isn't very popular right now. Any time a person's hair or clothes are out of the mainstream, they are making a statement to the public. So the questions become (1) What sort of impression does your hair create and (2) Is that the impression that you want to make?

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