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alot of bfs?

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kevin mackenzie

hi, i've just dated this girl and i think she is really sweet...however she just told me i am her 13th boyfriend...and she is only 18...


does 13 boyfriends sounded alot or just normal for a girl at the age of 18? and i am pretty sure having 13 boyfriends will result in more than a few sex partners....


i am really bothered by this fact...should i still go out with her? i need some advice please

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Just because she has had so many bf's does not mean she has slept with all of them. Maybe you should inquire about how many partners she has had. Honestly, having that many men can either be good or bad. From my side it is good cause I have had a ton, but I have used them as learning experiences. I have grown and matured after each one of them. Others, however, jump from guy to guy cause they cannot stand to be alone. You might want to figure out which one she is.

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It depends on how she defines boyfriends. I know when I was 18 I was still considering the little stupid somethings that happened in the 7th and 8th grade as boyfriends.


Now that I'm older when people ask me how many boyfriends I've had, I say six because that's how many I've had since I started having sex and really known what a real relationship is. If I would count all the guys before that, I would have said over 20 because of all the stupid, immature, bf/gf for one week sort of thing.


And just because they were her boyfriends that doesn't mean she slept with them. If you're really bothered by it then just ask her how many people she's been with.

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Exactly you need to ask her how many "serious" bf she's had...?


If she is talking about that elementary puppy love sharing gummy bears.. kinda thing that doesn't really count....


And it's true just because she had a lot of bf's that doesn't mean she has slept with all of them...just ask her..

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I think it's the fact that she may have been with 13 guys is what's bothering him fred, not if she's experienced or not.

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Originally posted by Jilly10340

I think it's the fact that she may have been with 13 guys is what's bothering him fred, not if she's experienced or not.


I know, I'm showing him a good point of being with an experienced woman.


Who wants some inexperienced, inhibited girl that just lays there during sex?

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Originally posted by Jilly10340

It depends on how she defines boyfriends. I know when I was 18 I was still considering the little stupid somethings that happened in the 7th and 8th grade as boyfriends.



This is my point exactly. My first "Boyfriend" was in 1st grade. I made one of my best friends play house with me and from then on I called him my boyfriend. She may be including every guy she had as a "boyfriend" since early childhood. This isn't the same as sexual partners. If it bothers you that much then be up front with her and ask her how many of them she slept with. Frankly, I don't think it's any of your business to begin with. That's her past and you shoudn't judge her. You can define a person by the number of people they have slept with.

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She may have had some bad relationships issues, and she still may. There can be any number of factors attributing to her having had so many boyfriends. If you wish to learn more about her sexual history, I would advise that you ask this only if it is pertinent to your situation. And, if and when you do ask her, try to stay away from names and specific things she has done. I, myself, only need to know if the person was ever involved in any risky behaviors, such as drug use, or lack of using contraception, and if that person has been tested and would get tested again for me.


If you like this girl, go ahead and try to date her. If you believe that she is not a responsible enough partner, and that her large number of boyfriends could be due to her own faults, then you can take it from there when you get to that door. For the time being, I recommend you take a chance, if interested, and see where things go.

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Kevin Mackenzie

she's my 2nd, that's the reason why i feel so bad...


she told me that she didnt have sex with any of her previous bfs, but some of them had fingered her, and she has given blow job to numerous of them...


i find this kinda disgusting, but i really do like that girl.....i so want to kill myself...

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Calm down.....would you rather that she had slept with all of them? At least she's a virgin, who cares if she's done other stuff with them. Sex is a natural part of life and stuff like that will happen with bf/gf. Can you honestly say that you are completely innocent. If you've had that many gf's I'm sure that some of the stuff she's done would have happened too.


Don't judge her for her past, at least she was honest with you.

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Originally posted by Jilly10340

Calm down.....would you rather that she had slept with all of them? At least she's a virgin, who cares if she's done other stuff with them. .



I and alot of people would say that just sucking guys off is more "slutty" then having intercourse.

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I and alot of people would say that just sucking guys off is more "slutty" then having intercourse.


I agree! I have only done that for my recent bf and only because I fell in love with him and had complete and total trust in him and our relationship..


I couldn't imagine just doing that for random guys or someone I was just casualy dating....


But maybe that's just me..?

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I'm not saying that it's a good thing. If I was a guy and had to pick I would choose for her to rather give random guys blow jobs then the sleep with random guys...

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