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Empty Heart

I'm looking for ways to get over my heartbreak...googled as such and it came up with Amelie Chance - Heal my Heart. Looks good but before I order, has anybody else used this resource? Is it a scam? At this point in time, I'll do most things to build myself up but don't need a scam to drag me back down. Anyone?

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Don't order this crap.


The only thing that will heal a broken heart is time.

Sorry buddy. We've all gone through this at least once.


Good luck!

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Empty Heart

I know....:o


Funny thing is I would look at this stuff and normally think 'yeah, whatever'.....I suppose in times of need we'll try anything.


I'll keep my money in my purse then......thanks.

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I know....:o


Funny thing is I would look at this stuff and normally think 'yeah, whatever'.....I suppose in times of need we'll try anything.


I'll keep my money in my purse then......thanks.


Please keep the money in the purse. This is a wise decision. Besides, if you believe in the lord and Jesus Christ, there are people out there (lightworkers) who will help you through crisis doing it for free or on a donation basis as they are all working in service to god. I do that as well in my community. :laugh:


There are stages in healing the heart.


First, you must let time heal it.

Second, you must accept the lessons you learned from your breakup with the person you are dating with. The reason you were with this person was lessons you had not perfected and only you can identify this.


Third, DO NOT blame yourself nor make yourself a victim. Any relationship IS NOT a failure. Read this. Any relationship is not a failure. It is a gift from god to teach you a lesson or lessons. Once you accept you are not a victim, the healing can be done more easily.


Join a positive meetup group that will provide honest authentic feedback of yourself. Please be humble and accept their feedback, be it good, the bad and the most ugly. The feedback will then help you become a stronger and more positive person. Do not be tempted like some other people to befriend exes (ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend) or male friends who would only provide un-authentic feedback of yourself (only good but no bad nor ugly) where they will actually slow your healing and keep you in the negative loop.


Lastly, to cut off the etheric cords of your ex-whoever, you must become compassionate and forgiving. Forgiveness cuts the karmic ties between your heart and the heart of the other person. If you don't, you will somehow feel that someone is tapping into your gas tank and you will always feel restless and tired. Forgiveness is a powerful tool. Pray to the lord at your convenience and forgive the person who wronged you and dumped you or treated you badly and ask mother Mary to shower you with love. If you do this sincerely, your heart will feel warm and serene, goose bumps on your body and perhaps some heat and intense tears coming from your eyes.


Hope this helps and yes, this is all free to you as other kind souls had help me in the past.


Blessings. :laugh:

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I know....:o


Funny thing is I would look at this stuff and normally think 'yeah, whatever'.....I suppose in times of need we'll try anything.


I'll keep my money in my purse then......thanks.


save your money, have fun instead. go to the beach or something. go shopping with friends. that would surely be more helpful. =)

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I read a Paul McKenna break-up book once. It was useful at the time, if nothing else it was a hearty distraction. :)

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I'm looking for ways to get over my heartbreak... Anyone?


Start skydiving.

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I don't know what the foundation of your heartbreak is/was but try formulating a bit of kidology for yourself. Consider what you might have missed out on if it hadn't happened. Consider that you might have had a lucky escape. It's a time when a little bit of self-delusion, if that is what it actually is, is both valid and useful. As long as you don't get carried away with it, of course! And as others have said, time will be your friend, your healer.

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