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really really driven for fame and celebrity. is this normal?


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i am a deeply creative, intelligent and eccentric girl. for the last few years, but really for as long as i can remember, i feel i will be very famous one day. is this self-obsession? i feel i am very normal in every aspect of life -- except that i truly don't believe i will have to work a 9-5 much longer. here is why:


i am extremely intuitive with people. i never ever feel uncomfortable with any group -- i could be in the middle of the ghetto, or at a fortune 500 corporate meeting. i fit in everywhere like a chameleon. (i'm afraid you guys are going to slam me here, i'm about to get very boastful, but honest i feel...) in addition, i am extremely attractive. i have a very unique and uncommon look going on. not a time passes where when i walk down the street and people don't whip their heads around -- men, women and children alike. i have gotten almost every job i have ever applied for and speak several languages. on the important end of things, i am an incredible friend. i am honest, trustworthy and completely dedicated -- to a fault! i usually end up getting the short end of the stick because i cater to others first. i have a hard time being selfish, though i probably sound like i need a pin to pop my head right now.


i share the above because i know that i have the basics to make it just about anywhere, which makes me sound slightly less delusional about my passion for fame. forget about giving me advice to go on auditions, etc. that's a whole other topic to discuss. i've got a crazy schedule that barely allows for it but it's becoming more of a priority.


most importantly, is it normal to dream almost EVERY single night about celebs being your friends? is it normal to dream about high society being part of your personal playground? is it normal to think every day that it's just a small matter of time before God strikes down and makes all of your efforts worthwhile?


this is such an ambiguous and odd post, i know. but every second of every day, i dream about how i will be on top of the world very soon. my creative energies feel like they are going to explode, that very soon the world will know me. God i sound like a freak!!

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There are a lot of beautiful, intelligent, loyal, honest, (add a million other adjectives here) people in the world.


I'm not saying that you aren't special and awesome... but there are a lot of special and awesome people out there who never become famous or have celebrity status.


You btw didn't mention what your talent is?


Anway... while I think it is normal to appreciate celebrities, I don't think it is normal to begin to feel like you actually know them... that is just bordering on stalker :eek:


You need to put things in proper perspective... celebrities are PEOPLE regardless of thier status.

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I would not say that your behavior, or dreams, are normal. I would say that they are uncommon.


Depending on your age, if you truly had what it takes to be a celebrity, you probably would have been scooped up by now. Try to be more realistic in your views. Too often do people become consumed with illusions of grandeur, that they risk everything and come out with nothing.


I could read deeper into this, but at the time I do not see any reason to make this seem a problematic issue, as I have little information to go on.

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Talk about grandiose self-esteem. It sounds like a manic moment to me. (elation, accompanied by increased self-esteem and grandiose ideas)


P.S. "Fortune 500 Corporate Meetings" are not riveting and do not require special character to attend. Trust me

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which makes me sound slightly less delusional about my passion for fame.


sounds rather delusional to me.


Passion for fame? That's your passion? Ted Bundy, Geoffrey Dalmer - they're famous.


Like Merin2 mentioned - what exactly is your talent that is going to get you famous - or is fame just the end to any means?

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I agree creativelyobsessed post your pic and let some perfect strangers give you their imput to let you know if you're celeberity material!


DON'T save a fake pic from a site or something...actually use YOUR pic so we can see where you get your way of thinking...a way for us all to help "advise" you more.

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I don't think that just because someone is "beautiful" that that equates to being celebrity material. Hustler, Playboy, et al. are filled with "beautiful" people, most of whom would like to be famous & will never get there.


Lyle Lovett, Sandra Bernhardt, Dennis Hopper, Woody Allen, Julia Childs (rest in peace), Aretha Franklin, Salmon Rusdie, Mick Jagger..... not your standard beauties but all of them celebrities.



Though she did say


i am extremely attractive. i have a very unique and uncommon look going on.


so yeah, let's see the pic.

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