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really need advce on casual hook ups

Leigh 87

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I think it is so weird you are planning on having a casual hook up three months away.

I can't get over that point.



It is because I am used to regular sexual contact, and there is now way I want to live my life for say, a year at a time, with NO sexual contact.


It helps me feel better to know that, while I will not just stop loving me ex anytime soon; I can at least not worry about having to not be sexual for several months. There are flings and options to appease that urge which I have.

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And I am not planning on having it, as I may not "feel it" and feel comfortable enough with this "friend" to even be sexual.


It helps me to know that I can still flirt and have sexual fun even while I am getting over a break up.


Some women can accept going LONGG periods without any fun in this regard. I enjoy being sexual, so it helps me to think about the options I have in this area.


It helps ME to talk about the future, but I have learn to not plan it or try to anticipate exactly what will occur...


I Am just looking forward to enjoying men again in a simple and non committed way.


I WAS in a long term R. It IS a bit of fun to think about the fact that I am single and can have some fun now with people besides my ex.


You can't even feel excited about the future her without being saying ' it is unhealthy, you need to be without sex for years blablabla"


People suck to be honest. There is no way I want to not flirt and have fun with men MONTHS after my break up!

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