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I need a shoulder to cry on. Love triangle

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Hi I think I am going crazy. I went back home 3000 miles to spend sometime with my mother who has been coming down with Alzheimer’s, she just turned 84. I have been involved in a marriage of 19 years and my oldest just left for college and the second is leaving next year. My upbringing was relegious and I grew up in an alcoholic family of 6 and I mean a really wacked childhood you would not believe it. Anyway I met with an old old friend who was my best friend and helped me through the worst times. I really loved him as my buddy. When we meet I was smitten and I could tell he was too. I'm in love with him and I not sure what to do. He is single now and I am sure that when my youngest leaves my husband and I will be over with he ignores me and puts me down alot of the time. He is a good man but he doesn't love me in the way I need to be loved. I am afraid if I let my old love go I'll be alone for the rest of my life. I can't explain but since I've been home my old boyfriend and I have spoke on the phone and we can't believe how much we have missed each other and what to do about it.-

I need a shoulder to cry on.







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Find a caring girlfriend who will let you cry on her shoulder. Then decide whether you want to save your marriage or not. If you do, try http://www.marriagebuilders.com. If you stay with your husband and rebuild your happiness, then you will have a companion for the years ahead. It's simpler and cheaper that way!

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I am in the same position, well sort of, except my children arent grown. I decided to stay with my husband. I am still not happy with my decision. You should do what makes you happy, not what is cheaper.

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do you feel your marriage deserves one last attempt, or are you pretty much ready to throw in the towel and divorce your husband? Having a child left at home really shouldn't make a difference if you're unhappy with the guy and feel it's time to split from your husband


right now, the other side of the fence looks a hell of a lot greener than your pasture does, so you you should think things through before giving into sheer emotion!


should you do decide to pursue a relationship with new guy, be sure you are free and clear -- legally, emotionally and physically -- of your present relationship. Having an affair only signals to the guy that you're willing to be with him ... but not at the expense of leaving the security of a marriage, even if you consider yourself unhappily married.

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