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How annoying!!!!


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not long ago, my boyfriend and I broke up. If a clairvoyant had of predicted it, I would have laughed. If God had of come to me a vision and told me we would break up, I would have laughed some more.


Sure, I am still hurting and trying to heal. Sure I am on a rollercoaster of emotions - one minute sad, one minute feeling the pain, the next minute alone, the next minute angry. I made the decision to not remain in contact with him, because I felt betrayed by him and what happened.


I thought having mixed emotions was annoying. Well, what is annoying the most at the moment is all the damn questions that keep popping into my head! I keep wondering stupid things like, "did you ever lie to me?", "why did you say this...?", "what did you mean by that...?", "why did you hurt me?", "is that the real reason you broke up with me?" and on, and on, and on. the list is endless.


I'm not going to contact him, because it would be futile. I really don't even want to hear his voice because it will hurt me so much (and I'm hurting enough) and I just don't want to get hurt again.


THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!!!!!! I'm reading into every little thing he did in the weeks before we broke up, and wondering if there was something behind the stupidest things that I should have picked up on, or that I might of missed.


Do people do this often? Is it a normal part of the healing process to want answers, answers, answers, or is it just part of the pain when something you didn't think would happen did? I trusted this guy more than anyone in the world. We were like the best of friends and so close, and all of a sudden, I have questions galore seeping from my mind.


It is so frustrating and I feel so betrayed and hurt. I would just like to hear that is normal to think things like this. That it's just a stage that will pass (and soon!).

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