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Re: Should I confront him?

Tony T

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First, who he went to a conference with when he was not seeing you is NONE of your business or concern.


Second, you are really jumping to conclusions if you just saw a reservation and are making a lot of assumptions.


If this is really bothering you, yes, talk to him about it and get his explanation. Even if he took a female friend to this conference, I see absolutely no basis for you not to trust him. He is an adult man who can take anyone he wants anywhere he wants as a free human being and do so ethically if he's not in a committed relationship. I have taken female friends places where there was absolutely nothing more than friendship.


I personally don't like people who snoop around in my papers, read them, try to interpret them, and jump to conclusions about my life based on paperwork they know nothing about. Maybe your boyfriend is like me and you will be doing him a favor by letting him know that's the way you are.

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My bf and I have been in LDR for almost one year. We have been together for about 9 months before he moved for the new job. I did not moved to his place after I left school and we were sort of separated. Then we resumed the contact and I visited him last months after havn't seen him for half an year. I thought everything would be back to it was before, but it was not. Eventually I agreed to move to his place and he was happy about that. I kept asking him if he has been seeing someone else but he denied. However, while I was at his place, I found a hotel reservation for a conference. He went there together with one of his female friend. I was quite shocked by this and somehow lost my trust to him. Now we are talking about my moving in with him and getting married. But I couldn't get this out my mind. Although we were not really together when he went vacation with her, but I felt being cheated. I don't know if I should confront him of this or just let it go? Cindy

you said that you were not together and were seperated from him while on this vacation, well what the both of you did in that time is no ones bussiness. why would you be looking into his stuff if you really trusted him? you stated that it was that that made you lose trust, if that is the case then you would not have been looking into his stuff trying to find things. another thing, just because it is not the same sex means nothing. my ex will be spending a night here christmas eve so that we wake up together for the kids..!!! THAT IS THE ONLY REASON!!!! there is nothing that will happen between us except alot of good conversation.


i think that you should tell him that you can not trust him and that you put your fingers where they should not have been...


even if anything did happen why would you care? YOU WERE NOT TOGETHER .... keep saying that and you will understand it better...



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