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Mixed Emotions....Any Advice?


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My husband and I have been separated for quite sometime. When we separated we intended to go to counseling and eventually get back together. However, it took my husband a long time to go to counseling and I eventually began dating other people. As time went on my husband found out that I had a "male friend" and announced that he did not want to work on our marriage and would rather have me as a friend. He also announced that he wanted to pursue a serious relationship with a woman he had just met. Today, I receive the following e-mail from my husband:


Hello, how are you, it's getting close to your


Birthday, and you haven't told me what you want? Well, I guess your


wondering why I'm writing you? For a few reasons, I just wanted to say


that I truly and sincerely miss you, and love you. I have been involve


in a lot of negative things lately, I've also been under allot more


pressure at the job, and I'm not doing enough on my off time, to relieve


that stress. In the pass two and half weeks I' ve took ten steps


backwards, I stop reading my love book, I stop listing to love music,


and my girlfriend is pregnant, just kidding ! And while I'm on


that note, I'm upset that I'm involve with another women, because I


thought my wife had a boyfriend for last four months. I'm not mad at


you, I'm telling you how I made a bad decision from what I perceived,


and now it's just a bigger mess. I really just needed a good friend


but unfortunately I started hanging out with people that are not


healthy for me. I guess this is a good time to call my shrink, I don't


want a girlfriend, I really don't, I just a good friend, be-it a male or


a female, I want you! But I don't think that's going to happen, so I


thinking of relocating. My job just start flying to four new cities,


two of them are in Maine, which is a total of three cities in Maine we


fly too. In a few months They're going to open a new base in Bangor or


Portland Maine, are saabs are flying there now, so I want to transfer


when they setup a base operation. I'm going to stop typing now, I


will finish this letter at another time. Oh, I almost forgot, we


have to go out dancing one night, when I'm done with my salsa


classes! P.S. Love & Miss You,


Granted, I love my husband and I truly do hope that things do eventually workout between us. However, we did separate for valid reasons.

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