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'To be Mother-in-law' confuses me!

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Well I dunno where to start... To be honest I really like her as a person and we get on brilliantly, just sometimes she really confuses me.

Like my boyfriend had course he was doing, so I gave him space likea few hours like tried to call him I was wondering if he fell asleep so gave him a few rings and then stopped at that. I thought I could of talked to him for like 10 minutes at least.... See how he was getting on.

Ummm I got a bit upset but thought 'well he will get in touch with me when he can and not studying..' So I left it at that. About 5-10 minutes later I got a text from his mum asking me to 'leave him alone for a few hours' so I told my boyfriend that he could tell me himself... But when I did he told me he didn't even know his mum had text me.

Well I never replied and just turned my off to calm down and kept myself busy until he text me which was fine I thought everything was sorted it kinda was..... Just like we have a really good relationship I must say, we have been together a year... Known each other 2 years... Long distance relationship... 5 hours away from each other.... Anyway he's finished uni for the summer and he told me that he'd talk more after his exams which was cool. Then the day after his exam.... He asked me to skype with him early cos we had missed on the night before so we did :) and we were having a long one.. We don't always.... Anyway we skyped at like after dinner til bedtime, then his mum started having a go saying that he should 'GET OFF THE DARN PHONE'

He immediately stood up and asked her why and if she had a problem with him talking to me.,.. She didn't seemingly, but says to him that she is 'sick of hearing him all the darn time' which is really none of her buisness when he speaks to me or not.... My mother says so as well. Not that I'm a clype just needeed to talk to someone and I'm pretty close to my mum and she is understand so that was that. Anyway she made her point clear that 'if he didn't get off the phone she was gonna stop him talking to me'




I'm so confused, she treats me like a daughter yet behaves like this..... We are so serious about each other and I dunno what her problem was it was only 10pm she started this.

He wasnt busy the next day either. She was still awake.


My parents aren't bothered about when I talk to my boyfriend or not, or how long I do for.

She has no right in doing this... But I got really pissed off and hung up and text him saying night that we'd talk tomorrow cos she was really ruining our time together.

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