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tough talk (tony)


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WOW! I thought you might be Marine drill seargent for a minute. I take it that you think im an idiot for this last question. Im just trying to get as much ammo as i can.


Im a late bloomer I think because of some family choas that had happen I have alot of resentment and anger towards a family member who had very high expectations that i never could live up to and still can't. I was told to stay away from women and not really talk to them when i was little. Many times I watched my dad not treat my mom very nice. It took me to my mid 20s to start to get more confident to start dating. What does that tell you? that i didnt have very good influence or guidence in the women dept right! Sometimes I might look nieave on the this forum or maybe my questions arn't worded very good but im not all hopeless. Im not trying to tell you a sob story or use this as a excuse Believe me!!


I see my need for advice to move ahead in life and this has been a good place to get and i very appreciate it too!


Not everyone is going to grasp this stuff as well as you maybe, we are all unique our minds think differently and we all have different life obsticles that may hinder our growing process in this stuff.


Any other questions that i might have from now on will problably with dealing with certain situations or not about dating at all. Thanx once again



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Hello choppdogg,

seargent for a minute. I take it that you think im an idiot for this last question. Im just trying

I've been reading your posts over the past couple months, and I haven't thought for one second that you were an idiot :)

I might look nieave on the this forum or maybe my questions arn't worded very good but im not all hopeless. Im not trying to tell you a sob

Nor do I think you're hopeless. You seem like a guy that will attract more than his share of ladies, and I just hope you're confident enough to realize you deserve the best :)


And I'm sure you already know you can do better than the young immature chicks you've had the misfortune of running into.


Remember, you don't need to live up to the expectations of this family member or anyone else, but just live up to your own expectations. Forget about this person. Don't rely on others' expectations. Set your own goals and make yourself happy.

Any other questions that i might have from now on will problably with dealing with certain situations or not about dating at all. Thanx once

Actually, I thought your questions have been pretty interesting, and I learned a lot from the answers as well.


I have a lot more to say about others' expectations, but I need to go study, so I'll continue later....


Take care.

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Dear Choppdogg:


I just re-read my reply to your earlier post. I don't know what you're complaining about. The information I gave you CAN'T BE BOUGHT ANYWHERE!!! I gave you very key secrets to getting the love you want.


If you have a problem with getting the greatest advice any individual person can give you on this forum, just say so in your post. I'm a pretty smart guy and I can sugar coat the hell out of anything...or not reply at all.


If I had any wish in the universe, I would wish that someone had given me the advice I gave you in your previous post when I was 20 or so.


I really don't know what you were getting at here...the drill sargeant stuff and all...but I won't reply to your posts in the future. Please feel free to post on any subject you want without fear I'll do my drill sargeant (as you say) bit. The last thing I want to do when I'm trying to help someone is to upset them or offend them. I do have other things I can be doing besides trying to help you attract and maintain loving relationships.


Your use of the name Choppdogg belies your high level of sensitivity.

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Dear Choppdogg: I just re-read my reply to your earlier post. I don't know what you're complaining about. The information I gave you CAN'T BE BOUGHT ANYWHERE!!! I gave you very key secrets to getting the love you want. If you have a problem with getting the greatest advice any individual person can give you on this forum, just say so in your post. I'm a pretty smart guy and I can sugar coat the hell out of anything...or not reply at all. If I had any wish in the universe, I would wish that someone had given me the advice I gave you in your previous post when I was 20 or so.


I really don't know what you were getting at here...the drill sargeant stuff and all...but I won't reply to your posts in the future. Please feel free to post on any subject you want without fear I'll do my drill sargeant (as you say) bit. The last thing I want to do when I'm trying to help someone is to upset them or offend them. I do have other things I can be doing besides trying to help you attract and maintain loving relationships. Your use of the name Choppdogg belies your high level of sensitivity.

HEY TONY PLEASE DONT TAKE IT THE WRONG WAY! about the drill seargant I was only kidding about that! I forgot to mention. I was reffering to the end of that reply were you talking tough about " If i cant figure it out from here then then you need more help or somethin and "why people cant figure this stuff out " anyways its irrelivant now. I wasnt mad or offended I just replied to that to give you some more of my background to add more reason to my questions I was not at all complaining!!!


I guess we both had a miss understanding which was problably my fault. I hope you still reply to some of my questions if I have them you have given excellent advise.


BY the way choppdogg was a nickname given to me when i was little (long story) ha ha


Truce Choppdogg

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I usually just lurk here, but I think I'll start posting. I have found alot of useful information here, alot of which came from Tony's advice, smart guy. But I will also be the first to say that you can be damn freaking brutal to people. Someone will come because they dont understand their feelings and get a response of "Your a pig and lucky to even have a partner, she/he's worth alot more than your sorry whiny insecure arse!"


But thats just my 2 cents :) It might be best to just point out that they arent being fair to their partners, instead of fueling their insecurities by saying how their SO deserves better.


I should stick to lurking!



HEY TONY PLEASE DONT TAKE IT THE WRONG WAY! about the drill seargant I was only kidding about that! I forgot to mention. I was reffering to the end of that reply were you talking tough about " If i cant figure it out from here then then you need more help or somethin and "why people cant figure this stuff out " anyways its irrelivant now. I wasnt mad or offended I just replied to that to give you some more of my background to add more reason to my questions I was not at all complaining!!! I guess we both had a miss understanding which was problably my fault. I hope you still reply to some of my questions if I have them you have given excellent advise. BY the way choppdogg was a nickname given to me when i was little (long story) ha ha Truce Choppdogg
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Bleck, I should have posted that last message with a PW. I wanted to add something to that last post, or modify it some. I wanted to add that I rather enjoy Tony's advice, just was saying that you do get a bit judgemental and harsh at times, and I know the people probably take your advice very seriously. :)

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Sorry, I got the impression you felt I was being too tought. That didn't make sense to me since I personally felt my post would have been extremely helpful to most anybody.


Anyway, the misunderstanding is cleared up. Good luck!!!


Actually, I think being a drill sargeant would be nice to try for a very short time one day.

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Without being in front of someone, face to face, in person the only thing I can use to convince them of just what kind of crazy situation they're in is to use some pretty strong language. I would never characterize it as brutal...perhaps just a bit harsh. However, I have posted here long enough to know many people are so stuck in their stuff that only the harshest of language can unstick them.


I promise you that in the majority of my posts, I am very careful to be sensitive to what people are going through. But when I feel someone needs a swift kick in the butt, I give it to them. There is really no point in me putting my two cents worth in unless I can feel it will do some good.


Ninety-nine percent of the people I kick in the butt thank me for it. So it must be doing some good.


If in your judgement I am too brutal, please avoid reading my posts. I don't want this site to upset you.

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Sorry, I got the impression you felt I was being too tought. That didn't make sense to me since I personally felt my post would have been extremely helpful to most anybody. Anyway, the misunderstanding is cleared up. Good luck!!! Actually, I think being a drill sargeant would be nice to try for a very short time one day.

Hey dude no worries Im glad everything is cool!!

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Without being in front of someone, face to face, in person the only thing I can use to convince them of just what kind of crazy situation they're in is to use some pretty strong language. I would never characterize it as brutal...perhaps just a bit harsh. However, I have posted here long enough to know many people are so stuck in their stuff that only the harshest of language can unstick them. I promise you that in the majority of my posts, I am very careful to be sensitive to what people are going through. But when I feel someone needs a swift kick in the butt, I give it to them. There is really no point in me putting my two cents worth in unless I can feel it will do some good. Ninety-nine percent of the people I kick in the butt thank me for it. So it must be doing some good. If in your judgement I am too brutal, please avoid reading my posts. I don't want this site to upset you.
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