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What do women really look for in a man? Need a woman's point of view.


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What do women really look for in a man? Before even speaking what is the best way for a man to approach a woman in a variety of situations? Then what are the best things to actually say without seeming odd. People say that I'm a good looking guy and that they would take more advantage of being so if they were me. I'm not sure if I see myself in doing that since I'm a little too conscious of coming over brash.


I realize being confident and having a good smile may help but what else? When I'm very attracted to a woman my knees get weak and I can't muster the will to even talk her. In this case what's the best way to get her attention so that I can feel more confidence in approaching her? I rather not admire such a woman too much by looking at her too many times since that would turn me off if I were her. Any suggestions? Thanks for the help.

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What do women really look for in a man?

Different women look for different things. The key is to find a woman who is looking for the same things you are. And that is the hard part in the quest for love.


Before even speaking what is the best way for a man to approach a woman in a variety of situations?

Good question. I don't know. Be honest. Dont' say things you dont mean and dumb pick up lines.


Then what are the best things to actually say without seeming odd.

Be yourself. Sometimes just saying Hi, and asking them how they are doing. Then maybe a genuine complement. I really like your outfit....

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Hi John,


Generally I've looked for a man that seems to have the qualities I would choose for a good friend but also has an attractive way about him - - a look about him or a pleasing personality - - a connection that promises something more than friendship eventually.


I tend to throw up defenses pretty quickly when a man makes an obvious approach so my most pleasant encounters have been in places I'm comfortable - - the bookstore, grocery store, a chance encounter at a sidewalk cafe. And these meetings have been most pleasant when the man has caught my eye, smiled, and offered something interesting...


That something interesting may be a question about something I'm involved in - - a book I'm carrying, something in my grocery cart, it may be something he is doing: once I was treated to a great conversation when a man nearly dropped a couple books as we waited in line... so I guess the best opener is something disarming - - a display of a sense of humor or something that shows you've noticed the woman's interest in what she is doing.


I've got to be honest; weak knees will never win a woman's heart. After I've smiled at you to encourage your advance, I would give up fast if you didn't have the courage to come talk to me. You sound like a nice man so chances are pretty good that any woman with whom you establish eye contact will welcome a short exchange; we enjoy attention when it's given in a respectable way.


Really, there are no big secrets; just show a genuine interest and approach with a genuine personality. Find something interesting about her or something to ask her about and you'll have a fine opening.

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