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Getting away with it???

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A was a little over 3 years but it was long distance. Talked, texted, skyped, fb, etc every day. Saw each other on average 5 days or so every 3-4 weeks. No Dday that I am aware of. Although, I have wondered about this since NC. I ended things almost 6 months ago. Very few attempts of contact from him since.

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Question... Is there anyone here who had an A and ended it without a d-day or ever getting caught? If so, how long was the A and who ended it? I'm sure its possible but I imagine very rare and furthermore that they would be on LS.


Yes, I have. But I ended the marriage as well.

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Yes, I ended one because the guy was certifiable. Found out he was on every sex site you can think of. Decided he was a ticking time bomb and was either going to catch a Std or get caught. Bailed like a paratrooper and made him think I was crazy so he would never contact me again but, one day, he enrolls his kid in my kid's activity. I just act like I don't him.

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